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Is Google Assistant Better Than Siri and Alexa?

There was a time when choosing an assistant digitally meant sending a message to your favorite candidate for the job.

While technology hasn’t exactly automated human assistants out of the market, some great options of the virtual variety have developed in recent years. Choosing between the most intelligent applicant for the job of your assistant is a tough choice – now there’s some decision making involved in choosing the most (artificially) intelligent digital option as well.

Though new developments are being made in the industry of virtual assistants on a regular basis, there are currently three options that stand out above the rest. Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant. But while Amazon’s Alexa and Apple’s Siri are both well-known candidates for the best assistant out there, how does Google’s offering stack up?

Google Assistant is backed by the same resources that helped the technological juggernaut create tools for businesses, change online communication, and, of course, change search engines forever.

But does this mean Google Assistant is automatically better than Siri and Alexa? Or do they perform differently in different categories?

What Would a Mobile App Development Company Look For?

When considering virtual assistant apps and programs designed to function effectively as a digital person helping you with life’s many questions, it is important to know what to look for.

Android or iOS app development specialists know that virtual assistants must be able to address humans the way humans address each other. This means interpreting questions properly, knowing when to ask for additional clarification, and being able to make direct comparisons in a timely manner.

Both Siri and Alexa have displayed these characteristics, functioning as top choices among dedicated audiences of users. Those who prefer Apple and the seamlessness of the iOS interface are familiar with Siri, which has become a long-running feature in these products.

Likewise, Amazon’s dominance in e-commerce and home media devices and streaming has also given their name a lot of power. This was enough to make Alexa a hit, despite some initial skepticism about associated devices’ impact on privacy. Google has a similar name and a similar following – this, combined with the great design the company has become known for, have already helped Google Assistant gain popularity. Can everyone from the casual user to the top enterprise app development company in an industry use Google Assistant? Or is it superior for certain groups and certain types of users?

Where Google Assistant Has the Advantage

When compared to Siri and Alexa, Google Assistant has proven to have the advantage in one key area – and it’s the one you would expect.

When asked thousands of questions, Google Assistant got a higher answer percentage and a higher number of correct answers when compared to Siri and Alexa. Given that Google’s search engine gives them immense amounts of information about how people try to find out answers to their questions and solutions to their problems, they were able to make a very reliable tool.

In some situations, Siri and Alexa would still have their own advantages. In Alexa’s case, shopping would likely be quicker and more convenient due to the extensive e-commerce resources of Amazon. Likewise, Siri would be preferred among Apple users and may have an edge in communication simply for being almost predominantly mobile-based. This is when compared to Google Assistant or Alexa, which may often be asked from desktop PCs, laptops, or other devices as well.

Even competitors to Siri and Alexa such as Microsoft’s Cortana and Android’s Genie have shown promise. But Google Assistant can (with permission) access your search history and use this information to customize responses accordingly. While not the first virtual assistant to offer this feature, Google’s extensive search engine gives it a unique advantage.

How Might Virtual Assistants Change?

Having an assistant on your computer (or better yet, your mobile device) can make life easier whether you’re trying to plan a trip, get work done, or even locate a good restaurant for dinner. Siri, Alexa, and Google Assistant all have their advantages, with each being proportional to the resources and digital infrastructure behind these companies.

In the future, virtual assistants may improve through as artificial intelligence becomes more refined and tech companies deliver an ever-more-personal experience to their users. The term “personal” is often associated with the term “assistant” for a reason, after all.

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