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Week 14: CSS Animations: Keyframes and Advanced CSS: Layout with Flex-box

This week focus was on CSS Animations: Keyframes and Advanced CSS: Layout with Flexbox from Colt Steele The Advanced Web Developer Bootcamp.

 -Introduction to Keyframes   
 -Other CSS Animation Properties 
 -CSS Animation Shorthand
 -Introduction to Flex-box
 -The Magic of Display: Flex 
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Introduction to Keyframes

Keyframes are another tool within CSS animations, unlike transitions they allow us to build much more complex multicomponent multi-state animations. They also allow us a lot more control over the details of how the animation works. Things like
Timing – when it start, how many times it should repeat, how long it should last.
Keyframes compared to transitions
Transitions allow us to animate a single state change
From A to B which is a start and an end.
Keyframes allow for much more complex multi-state animations
From A to B to C to D to E to F and so forth as many as we may need.
Keyframes include a lot of in between information.

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Other CSS Animation Properties

Other CSS Animation Properties
Most common animation properties
Less common animation properties
Animation-iteration-count is how many times should it repeat
Animation-fill-mode is how an animation should apply styles before and after the animation
Animation-direction is the way an animation moves across a specific area
Animation-play-state is whether an animation is running or paused

CSS Animation Shorthand

CSS shorthand combines all CSS animations to be written in a single line of code.

animation: 3s ease-in 1s 2 reverse both paused slide-in; 
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Introduction to Flex-box

Flex-box is a way to layout content on a web page.
There are two types of properties Container and Flex Items
A container is what contains the items inside. It is the outside layer.
A flex item is what controls the spacing of the items inside the container.

Container Properties

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Flex Items

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The Magic of Display: Flex

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This is without flex-box
To being using flex-box it is important to set the display to flex

.container {
Display: flex; 
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This is with flex-box

Important Flexbox Terminology

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Flex-item is inside
Container is outside
Main goes left to right
Cross is top to bottom


Flex-direction specifies how items are placed in the flex container, defining the main axis and its direction.
The default setting is

flex-direction: row; 
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Flex-direction row-reverse
To change main axis direction use reverse.

Flex-direction: row-reverse; 
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Flex-direction column
Changes the main axis to start from the top and then go downwards

flex-direction: column;
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The Magic of Display: Flex

Pseudo-Classes focus

input:focus {
color: red; 
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Focus triggers when an element receives focus. Usually inputs will receive a focus.

<input type=”text” /> 
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Important Flex-box Terminology

Active triggers when an element is being activated by user



Flex-wrap specifies whether items are forced into a single line or can be wrapped into multiple lines.
Can be used to make boxes larger.

There is a cross axis and there is a main axis understanding how each work will help understand how to lay content out on a web page.


Defines how space is distributed between items in flex container along the main axis

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The order of the items in not changed, so it is not the same as flex-direction. The white space is now on the left side instead of the right side.

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.container {
justify-content: space-around;

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align-items defines how space is distributed between items in flex container
Along the cross axis

Flex-start will move the items at the top of the page.

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Flex-end will move the items to the bottom

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Flex-stretch will take up the entire container.

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Flex-center will center them vertically


Align-content defines how space is distributes between rows in
flex container along the cross axis


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Order specifies the order used to lay out items in their flex container

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By default all items have an order of 0


Flex defines how a flex item will grow or shrink to fit the available space in a container.

flex is shorthand for
flex-grow, flex-shrink, and flex-basis

flex-basis is sort of like width, but not.
specifies the ideal size of a flex item before it's placed into a flex container.

flex-basis is the starting condition.


flex-grow dictates how the unused space should be spread amongst flex items. Its all about ratios!


flex-shrink dictates how items should shrink when there isn't enough space in container.

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