DEV Community

Jemima M
Jemima M

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Adventofcode πŸŽ„: Day 15&16 - Why use React?

Why should you use React?? Here is why:

Easy creation of dynamic applications
React is renowned for its ability to facilitate the creation of dynamic applications through a variety of features and design principles.

Improved Performance
React has improved performance compared to traditional approaches in web development, and several factors contribute to this improvement such as, Virtual DOM, Component- based architecture and so on...

Reusable Components
Reusable components in React offer several advantages, enhancing development efficiency, maintainability and scalability. Breaking down the user interface into modular components promotes code modularity and accelerates development by reusing established units.

Unidirectional data flow
With unidirectional data flow, the parent component is responsible for managing the state, and it passes this state down to uits child components via props. This one-way flow makes it easier to understand how data changes happen through the application. This simplicity ensures that changes in the application state are clear, reducing likelihood of bugs caused by unexpected side effects.

Dedicated tools for easy debugging
React Developer Tools, provides developers with insights into the components hierarchy, state changes, and performance metrics directly within the browser developer tools. This allows for real time inspection and manipulation of React components, making it easier to identify and address issues.

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