It is almost Christmas so lets go are 10 questions about React that will be good for your own revision..
What is React, and what problem does it solve in web develoepment?
Explain the difference between state and props in a React component.
How does JSX differ from HTML, and how does React use JSX in rendering components?
What is the virtual DOM in React, and why is it important for performance optimisation?
Describe the component lifecycle in React and provide an example of a lifecycle method.
What is the purpose of the useState hook, and how is it used in a functional component?
What is the role of the key prop in React, and why is it important when rendering lists?
What is the purpose of the useEffect hook, and how can it be used to perform side effects in a functional component?
So there are 8 questions there that will help you revise and be more confident with React...
In the meantime, KEEP CODING!đ
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