DEV Community

Doug Jones
Doug Jones

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Interview Tips

I recently attended another Webinar for insight on the interview process.

As normal there were some of the typical questions.
1) What are companies looking for?
2) What should I be studying?
3) How do I standout?

For the most part the answer have all been relatively similar from company to company.

But one thing that was interesting was the recruiter telling us that they were no longer allowed to ask trick questions.

The process of problem solving was more important than actually solving the problem.

They want to know what your thinking how you approaching the problem and if your headed in the right direction.
Some of the biggest mistakes most people make in live coding is
1)Jumping right into the code
Tip: Take your time. Repeat the question back to the interview er to make sure you have a good understanding of whats being asked.
2) Not writing real code
Tip: Pseudo code is ok. But make sure it helps lead you to writing real code to solve the problem.
3) Not testing your solution
Tips: Makes sure you think about edge cases and ask the interviewer about testing your solution.
4) Only practicing coding in one type of environment.
Tip: Trying writing code in a google doc, white boarding, or even in a text file.

It never ceases to amaze me that no matter how many of these I have been to there is always something new to learn and share. So many of these company are looking for similar things but have different requirements for how you get there.

I hope these tips help you as much as they have helped me.

Keep Practicing and as always
Happy Coding 👨🏿‍💻👨🏻‍💻🧑🏾‍💻👩‍💻

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