DEV Community

Discussion on: 5 Bad Habits of Software Developers

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

On the topic of documentation, I'd say that using Doxygen or some other API autodoc tool is not the solution most people think it is. Useful documentation almost always has to be written by hand, otherwise it's like teaching someone to use a toaster by explaining the electrical specifications of the heating element.

Regard "night owls", I find that getting up earlier (5 AM for me) gives me time to ease into my day, get a bit of work done in the quietness of the early morning, and yet actually help my productivity for the rest of the day. Being an early bird or a night owl is a matter of choice and practice, not biology. You can decide what to be.

ilonacodes profile image
Ilona Codes

Waking up at 5 AM is more than just getting things done 👍

wizardrogue profile image
Joseph Angelo Barrozo

5AM huh? What time would you usually go to bed? I'd love to try this for myself.

codemouse92 profile image
Jason C. McDonald

Personally, 10pm. I typically only need about 7 hours of sleep to be well-rested. (Just to make up the difference, I sleep 10pm-7(:30)am on weekends.)

If you find you need 7.5 or 8 hours of sleep, you can shift the bedtime or wakeup times around, of course. This week, I've been unusually tired, so I've been doing 10pm-5:30am or 10pm-6am.