DEV Community

What you learning about this weekend?

Michael Tharrington on July 29, 2023

Hey hey hey! πŸ‘‹ What you all learning about this weekend? Whether you're sharpening your JS skills, making PRs to your OSS repo of choice πŸ˜‰, spruc...
soumyadeepdey profile image
Soumyadeep Dey β˜‘οΈ β€’

Revising Chapters Of Every Subject!

Because Exams Are Starting From August 1

highasthedn profile image
highasthedn β€’

Happy to take a weekend off! Friday my sister had her wedding with me as best man. Today enjoying my birthday with having dinner with the whole family, so no technical stuff at all this weekend. But tomorrow going back to work fully motivated πŸ‘Œ

ryansgi profile image
Ryan B β€’

In my day job I focus on the backend (mostly API) of a distributed monolith. This is the first weekend I'll be starting writing code for a new project I've started spinning up. I'm learning a lot about best practices for API Gateways in front of microservices, and spending a lot of time learning how to configure Jaeger, Grafana and similar products.

brnms profile image
Bruno Santos β€’

Finishing a Accessibility course on Udemy

willyvaessen profile image
Willy Vaessen β€’

I learned about working together with ChatGPT to build a part of my personal website.
This part, which has become my β€œprofile wrapper” is mostly finished and I love how it looks right now. I went for a mobile first approach.
Next step is integrating that piece into a larger website, more suitable for desktop use.

This is what it looks like, right now.
Image description

kurealnum profile image
Oscar β€’

Finished my website! Really basic on the backend, but I've never really done much frontend stuff, so that was a great learning experience!

rezazirenejad profile image
Reza Zirenejad β€’

i have finished some projects from frontend mentor and focus on develope more js little projects to improve my js skills...

callmehongmaybe profile image
CallmeHongmaybe β€’

Studying for front end developer interviews ( like one or two questions a day )

olgabraginskaya profile image
Olga Braginskaya β€’
prakh_r profile image
Prakhar Yadav β€’

System design.
Not because of any interview. Just to gain knowledge of how these things are designed and thought of.

susyzee profile image
SusyZee β€’

I'm putting together my portfolio😎😎😎 and this burning hot weather is bothering meπŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯πŸ˜₯