In episode 1 of the codepunk.io. podcast, Bill and I discuss how the Matrix tried to kill cyberpunk, why Deckard is not a replicant, what's potentially in Bill's FBI file, and how the var
keyword is a terrible addition to C#.
The audio quality worked out okay, but the necessary post-production to even out the audio caused some noise. We're making adjustments for the next go around, including better equipment and recording software.
Your browser does not support the audio element.Show Notes
- Intro and outro music--"Perturbator's Theme"-- by Perturbator off of the album Dangerous Days.
- Cyberpunk was supposed to be a warning!
- Quora: Was Deckard a Replicant in Blade Runner?
- Commodore 64
- Phone Phreaking
- C# Debate: When Should You Use var?
- Brad Smith's Coding Blog: Misuse of the ‘var’ keyword in C#
(Photo by Marcin Wichary)