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nvm: command not found error

You may have encountered the error message “nvm: command not found” when trying to use the Node Version Manager (NVM) command in your terminal. This error can be frustrating, especially if you rely heavily on NVM to switch between different versions of Node.js on your computer. But don’t worry, this error is quite common and there are a few simple steps you can take to fix it.

What is NVM?

Before we dive into how to fix the "nvm: command not found" error, let's briefly review what NVM is and how it works. NVM is a popular tool used by developers to manage different versions of Node.js on their computers. With NVM, you can easily switch between different versions of Node.js for different projects, or test your code against different versions of the runtime.

NVM works by installing different versions of Node.js in a local directory on your computer, and allows you to switch between them using the nvm command in your terminal. NVM also provides helpful commands to manage your installed versions of Node.js, such as listing installed versions, or removing a specific version.

Why am I seeing the "nvm: command not found" error?

If you are seeing the “nvm: command not found” error, it means that your terminal is unable to locate the nvm command. This often happens when NVM has not been installed correctly, or when your terminal is not configured to use NVM.

How to Fix the "nvm: command not found" Error

Luckily, fixing the "nvm: command not found" error is usually quite simple. Here are a few steps you can take to resolve the issue:

Step 1: Check if NVM is Installed

The first step is to check if NVM is already installed on your computer. To do this, open a new terminal window and type the following command:

nvm --version
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

If NVM is installed, you should see the version number displayed in your terminal. If you see the "nvm: command not found" error message instead, move on to the next step.

Step 2: Install NVM

If NVM is not installed, you’ll need to download and install it on your computer. The easiest way to do this is by running the installation script provided by NVM. To do this, open a new terminal window and type the following commands:

curl -o- | bash
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

This command will download and run the NVM installation script. Once the installation is complete, close and reopen your terminal window to load the new configuration.

Step 3: Configure Your Terminal

After installing NVM, you may still see the "nvm: command not found" error if your terminal is not configured to use NVM. To fix this, you’ll need to add the NVM directory to your terminal’s PATH variable.

The PATH variable is a list of directories that your computer searches through when looking for a command to run in your terminal. By adding the NVM directory to your PATH, your terminal will know where to find the nvm command.

To add the NVM directory to your PATH variable, open your shell configuration file (usually either .bashrc, .bash_profile, or .zshrc), and add the following line:

export NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/"
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Save the changes to your shell configuration file, then run the following command to refresh your terminal:

source ~/.bashrc
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Step 4: Verify Your Installation

Once you’ve added the NVM directory to your PATH variable, you can verify that NVM is working correctly by running the following command:

nvm --version
Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

If NVM is working correctly, you should see the version number displayed in your terminal, without the "nvm: command not found" error.


In conclusion, the "nvm: command not found" error is a common issue that many developers face when working with NVM. This error usually indicates that NVM has not been installed correctly or that your terminal is not configured to use NVM.

To fix the "nvm: command not found" error, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Check if NVM is installed
  2. Install NVM if it's not already installed
  3. Configure your terminal to use NVM by adding the NVM directory to your PATH variable
  4. Verify your installation by checking the NVM version number

By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the "nvm: command not found" error and start using NVM to manage your different versions of Node.js with ease.

Top comments (1)

airtonix profile image
Zenobius Jiricek

You should really be using instead.