A gap used to exist in the world of music licensing. The quality of music available to project teams making promotional videos or materials was pretty low. And for those composing music, getting paid was an untimely event, where checks just sort of “showed up” in the mail.
The Musicbed set out to change that, by providing an online marketplace for music licensing. And in the beginning, Tanner Hearne took on the role as the first in house developer – with the job and goal to take the product to new heights, as a well engineered, scalable and secure platform.
- https://tannerhearne.com
- https://www.musicbed.com/
- https://aws.amazon.com/lambda/
- https://laravel.com/
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Credits: Code Story is a production of Touchtap, LLC, and is Hosted and Produced by Noah Labhart, Co-produced and edited by George Mocharko. Special thanks to Deanna Chapman and Stephanie Campisi for their promotional support.Be sure to subscribe on iTunes, Google Play, Breaker or the podcasting app of your choice.