Collin Jilbert joins the show. We discuss the value of being willing to jump into source code, orienting yourself to new codebases and... cloud whitening?! My ADHD was raging for this episode but Collin did a great job keeping up.
- On Twitter @collin_jilbert
- GitHub
- Petri Dish gem
- GoRails Screencasts
- Ruby Central Job Posting
- Cloud Whitening
- Discussing Heritage Craft with Nick
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Within3 is Hiring
Are you a Ruby on Rails developer looking for their next roll? Within3 is hiring Engineers. We’re fully remote and offer unlimited PTO. In addition to getting to work with me , you’ll also be part of a team working to get our 13 year old majestic monolith back on the “Rails” while adding high demand features to our already expansive platform. There’s never a shortage of interesting work! Bring your skills, good humor, and come code with some awesome humans! Apply here or reach out to me on twitter or via email at for more details.