We step back and look at how things have changed since we first started the show while Outlaw is dancing on tables, Allen really knows his movie monsters, and Joe’s math is on point.
The full show notes for this episode are available at https://www.codingblocks.net/episode200.
- Thanks for the review nickname222Apple<3!
- Want to help us out? Leave us a review.
- Want Free stickers? Send us a SASE, instructions over at (/swag)
- Game Jam is coming up, January 20-23 (itch.io)
Favorite Episodes
- We Still Don’t Understand Open Source Licensing (#5)
- Comparing Git Workflows (#90)
- Git from the Bottom Up series (#195)
- Designing Data-Intensive Applications series (series)
- The DevOps Handbook series (series)
- The Imposters Handbook series (series)
- Boxing and Unboxing in .NET (#2)
- Docker for Developers (#80)
- Elasticsearch (#83)
- Show Recursion Show (#154)
- Why is Python Popular? (#152)
- Hierarchical database patterns (series)
Favorite Events
- NDC 2020 (#126)
- Atlanta Dev Con (atldevcon.com)
- Orlando Code Camp (orlandocodecamp.com)
- South Florida Code Camp (#SoFloDevCon)
- Tampa Code Camp (facebook.com)
- Game Jams
How things have changed since we started?
- Social media
- The technologies we use
- Our careers
- Show format
- Media consumption habits
- Any viewpoints that have changed?
- Technology
- We’ve wrapped up 9 years…how have we changed the most…why?
- Bonus: Buying a window with 3 huge tvs (youtube.com)
Top 3 things you’ve gotten out of it …
- Alphabetize all the things in your class
- A better understanding of DB technologies and the impact of their underlying data structures
- It’s forced us to study various topics …
- Amazing friends, community
- The application tier can / should be your most powerful
- Don’t make your tech-du-jour a hammer
Tip of the Week
- If you want to enable Markdown support, open a document in Google Docs, head over to the top of the screen, go to “Tools” then “Preferences” and enable “Automatically detect Markdown.” After that, you’re good to go..except this only works for the current doc. (techcrunch.com)
- Markdown Viewer is also a plugin for Chrome that lets you support .md files in Google Drive (workspace.google.com)
- DataGrip’s useless “error at position” messages are frustrating, but the IDE actually does give you the info you need. Check your cursor!
- Minikube’s “profile” feature makes it easy to swap between clusters. No more tearing down and rebuilding if you need to switch to a new task! (minikube.sigs.k8s.io)
- SQLforDevs.com has a free ebook: Next-Level Database Techniques for Developers. (sqlfordevs.com)
- Thanks for the tip Mikerg!