Joe’s voice sounds funny, Allen has a theme, and Michael pours one out for Media Play as Michael’s and Allen’s impersonation of Joe is on point (#NailedIt).
Reading this via your podcast player? View this episode’s full show notes and participate in the discussion at https://www.codingblocks.net/episode87.
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Survey Says
Does having multiple monitors improve your productivity?
Absolutely. And on the bright side (pun), I get to work on my tan from all of the extra UV light.
No. But it can be a nice luxury.
It depends on the codebase. The smellier the code, the more monitors I need. That and air fresheners.
- We take a moment to thank everyone that left us a review:
- iTunes: Detroit++, Joel F, ArdeChris
- Stitcher: ARHelgens, ThisWouldntFitWithSpaces, Beemo, nekorawesh, jcartee
- New Docker and Kubernetes Community Talk now available (YouTube).
- Allen will be speaking at Microsoft Ignite, Sept 24-28 in Orlando, FL.
Thunder Talks
- JavaScript event loop
- How JavaScript works: Event loop and the rise of Async programming + 5 ways to better coding with async/await (SessionStack Blog)
- Philip Roberts: What the heck is the event loop anyway? | JSConf EU (YouTube)
- Putting Big-O into perspective of real time.
- Everything is Fast For Small n (Coding Horror)
- async/await in ECMAScript 2017
- async/await (JavaScript.info)
- async function (MDN web docs)
- How to escape async/await hell (freeCodeCamp)
- Trick questions in JavaScript
- Can (a == 1 && a == 2 && a == 3) equal true? (dev.to)
- Staying relevant in a fast paced industry
- 10 tips for becoming a better programmer (TechRepublic)
- Keeping up in the JavaScript world (dev.to)
- Creating real fake data
- How our test data generator makes fake data look real (freeCodeCamp)
- jFairy – Java fake data generator. (GitHub)
- How’s your Git game?
- 11 Painful Git Interview Questions You Will Cry On (dev.to)
- Can you recognize an AWS service only by icon?
- Quiz: AWS has terrible irons (results will be sent to AWS) (Reddit)
- AWS icon quiz (Google Docs)
Tip of the Week
- Design patterns implemented in ECMAScript6 (GitHub)
- Layoutit! – A WYSIWYG design tool for Bootstrap.
Oh $#!7, Git! – How to get out of bad Git situations in plain English.
- And inspired by that, the Internet brings you Oh $#!7, Vim. A VIM cheat sheet.