It’s the end of 2020. We’re all tired. So we phone it in for the last episode of the year as we discuss the State of the Octoverse, while Michael prepared for the wrong show (again), Allen forgot to pay his ISP bill and Joe’s game finished downloading.
In case you’re wondering where you can find these show notes in all there 1:1 pixel digital glory because you’re reading them via your podcast app, you can find them at https://www.codingblocks.net/episode148, where you can also join the conversation.
- Educative.io – Learn in-demand tech skills with hands-on courses using live developer environments. Visit educative.io/codingblocks to get an additional 10% off an Educative Unlimited annual subscription.
- xMatters – Sign up today to learn how to take control of your incident management workflow and get a free xMatters t-shirt.
Survey Says
What's your favorite Christmas movie?
- It's a Wonderful Life, I like the classics.
- A Charlie Brown Christmas, that poor Christmas tree.
- Frosty the Snowman, with a corn cob pipe and a butt on his nose, err, wait ...
- A Christmas Story, only I didn't say fudge.
- How the Grinch Stole Christmas, because my heart is three sizes too small.
- The Nightmare Before Chrstimas, it's what I imagine happens when Jack White meets Tim Burton.
- Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, an awkward story about being different enough to be important.
- Die Hard, IT IS A CHRISTMAS MOVIE! Welcome to the party, pal!
- Joe will be speaking at the virtual San Diego Elastic Meetup, Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 5:00 PM PST, talking about Easy Local Development with Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes using Skaffold.
- Signup at community.elastic.co.
- We’re hosting a game jam January 21 – 24, 2021 – let’s make games!
- Follow all of our upcoming events! (/events)
- Watch and learn with Joe and Michael as they dive into Kubernetes:
Resources We Like
- The 2020 State of the Octo-verse (GitHub)
- Curl turns 20, HTTP/2, QUIC, The Changelog. Episode #299 (changelog.com)
- Parent Driven Development, a podcast about parenting in tech (parentdrivendevelopment.com)
Tip of the Week
- K9s, a terminal UI to interact with your Kubernetes clusters (GitHub)
- Popeye, a utility that scans a live Kubernetes cluster and reports potential issues with deployed resources and configurations. (popeyecli.io)
- IPython, a powerful interactive shell and so much more. (ipython.org)
- The Google Authenticator app now makes it super easy to export your two factor settings to another device. (App Store, Google Play)
- Dungeon Map Doodler, a free drawing tool that allows you to easily create maps for all your gaming needs. (dungeonmapdoodler.com)