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COEP's Free Software Users Group
COEP's Free Software Users Group

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Ever wondered why can’t we see the source code of Windows or MAC OS?
Why do we pay for the operating system when buying a laptop or PC?
Why we can install Linux OS freely but need to pay for Windows?
Windows, MAC, Unix: You use them daily but don’t know how they actually work. Because these are closed-source programs that are copyrighted and not available for further research or use. You may have also heard of or used the UNIX OS which is a closed source.
There was a need for an open-source OS, a freeware whose code is freely available and can be modified and distributed. Free doesn’t necessarily mean free of cost, here free stands for free use. Free Software
Hence, GNU!

But what exactly is GNU?

The GNU Project
GNU Project was announced by Richard Stallman in 1983. The aim was to develop and publish software collaboratively and allow users to use them freely, copy and distribute.
The GNU Manifesto:

  • Freedom to run a program for any purpose
  • Freedom to study the mechanics of the program and modify it
  • Freedom to redistribute copies
  • Freedom to improve and change modified versions for public use

To implement this manifesto, even the operating system needed to be free software.
That’s why GNU/Linux was developed!

The GNU Operating System
GNU stands for GNU’s Not Unix! Meaning it is UNIX-like but is free software and does not contain UNIX-like code. GNU is licensed by GNU General Public License (GNU GPL).

GNU is a collection of free softwares which can be used as an operating system or can be used in parts with other operating systems.
Most of the time GNU is also referred to as GNU/Linux or simply Linux, as it uses a UNIX-like kernel Linux.

Tux:Logo of Linux

Tux: The logo of Linux

Why does GNU come with Linux?
GNU is just the source code or the software developed under the GPL. But it cannot be used as it is. It requires an OS to interpret the computer. So, it is combined with the Unix-like Open Source Kernel, Linux. These together are popularly known as GNU/Linux or Linux or GNU.

GNU not only developed an operating system, but it also grew a worldwide open-source community! And by reading and accepting the ideology, you are a part too :).

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Top comments (1)

chiro2002 profile image

well explained ....