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Thomas P. Fuller for Coherent Logic Limited

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Learn How to Mount a Local Drive in a Pod in Minikube (2021)

In the following article, we're using Minikube (v1.14.2) with Kubectl (1.19) running on Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS.

The Problem

The background to this problem is as follows:

You're using Minikube and you want to mount a local drive in a pod and that's it.

This should be fairly straightforward however it's not exactly. We'll cover a fully working example here.

The real issue is that we need to mount a local directory to a directory in Minikube and then mount that directory to a directory in the pod itself.

If we just follow an example for mounting a local directory in a pod in Kubernetes, when we have shell access to the pod and check the path, the directory will exist however it will be empty.

Reference #1 (Shahriar, specifically) explains the solution pretty closely however a fully working example is not provided.

The following pod configuration file should work but, as we'll see in a moment, it doesn't.

Here's an example of what the minikube start script might look like --- we need to change this in order to fix this issue.

minikube start --hyperv-virtual-switch "My Virtual Switch" --v=4

The following image demonstrates the problem inside the pod --- note the /etc/minimounted/ directory is empty whereas we're expecting the hello.txt file to be there.

Now let's take a look at a solution.

The Solution

In order to make this work, we need to start Minikube with the following mount and mount-string options set:

minikube start --hyperv-virtual-switch "My Virtual Switch" --v=4 --mount --mount-string="/etc/minimount/:/minimounted/"
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We have /etc/minimount/ mounted as /minimount/ in Minikube and when we run the nginx-minimounted pod the /minimount/ directory will be mounted as /etc/minimounted/ in the pod; we can see the directory contents in the image below.

And that's it for this article.

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Please add comments below if you find an error with anything written here or have a question about this document.

Hat Tip

Q McCallum


  1. Mount local directory into pod in minikube
  2. MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "mongo" : hostPath type check failed: /mongo/data is not a directory
  3. hostpath : MountVolume.SetUp failed for volume "test-volume" : hostPath type check failed: /data is not a directory
  4. Invalid Error: .container.volumes: hostPath type check failed: "not a directory"

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