If there’s one thing that’s true across developer relations professionals, it’s that we live to educate and support. That extends to our fellow devrels - and in recent years, a flurry of developer relations related supporting materials have surfaced; from blogs to books, tweets to (ahem) podcasts, and more. What’s the best way to dig through them all to get the support and guidance you need? Today’s guests will cover that from several angles - from someone new to the devrel world, to someone looking to get more folks connected to devrel, and us hosts that are somewhere in between.
Wesley Faulkner
SJ Morris
- Noodle the Pug - Bones/No Bones
PJ Hagerty
Albrey Brown
- DevRel Collective Slack
- DevRel Salary Report
Jessica Rose
- I’ve gotten really into the idea of doing less; there are a ton of disparate resources so I’m not quite sure where to point folks, but it feels like right now there are a lot of people around the world wanting to work less, buy less, and chill more which I find so reassuring.
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash
- The Business Value of Developer Relations
- Developer Relations: How to Build and Grow a Successful Developer Program
- Docs for Developers: An Engineer’s Field Guide to Technical Writing
- devrelresourc.es
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Special Guests: Albrey Brown and Jessica Rose.