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Cover image for à mon égard: From Bug Squasher to Code Conqueror
Isuekebho Gabriel
Isuekebho Gabriel

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à mon égard: From Bug Squasher to Code Conqueror

Hey everyone, it's conradgabe here, your friendly neighborhood backend developer! Today, I want to take you on a thrilling adventure – not into the jungle, but into the heart of a particularly nasty backend bug. Buckle up, because we're about to dissect the problem, step-by-step, and emerge victorious (with a newfound appreciation for clean code!).

Now, before we delve into the code caverns, let me tell you a little secret: a crucial part of being a backend developer is selling yourself. It's not just about writing elegant code (though that's definitely important!); it's about showing potential employers how you can solve their problems and navigate even the trickiest situations. That's why I'm incredibly excited to announce that I'm embarking on a new journey with the HNG Internship program @""!

But first, let's conquer that bug!

The Case of the Disappearing Data

Imagine this: you're working on a critical backend system, and suddenly, data starts vanishing like a magician's act. Users report missing information, and panic starts to set in. That's exactly what happened to me recently. Data was being written to the database, but then... poof! Gone without a trace.

Step 1: Embrace the Detective Mindset

The first step in any debugging adventure is to gather clues. I meticulously looked through logs, analyzed code execution flow, and even set up breakpoints to pinpoint exactly where the data was disappearing. It was like being a digital Sherlock Holmes, except with a keyboard instead of a magnifying glass.

Step 2: Interrogate the Suspects (The Code)

After gathering my evidence, it was time to confront the prime suspects – the code itself. Line by line, I went through the data handling process, looking for any logical flaws or race conditions that might be causing the issue. The culprit turned out to be a sneaky bug in a recently implemented caching mechanism. It was caching not just the data itself, but also the fact that it shouldn't be there anymore!

Step 3: Fix the Glitch and Celebrate the Win

With the culprit identified, fixing the bug was a breeze. A minor code modification later, and our missing data reappeared like a rabbit from a hat. The relief was exhilarating, and it served as a powerful reminder of the satisfaction that comes from solving a complex problem.

Why HNG Internship?

Now, let's talk about the HNG Internship. As a developer who thrives on challenges and enjoys collaborating with a talented community, this program is a perfect fit. I'm particularly drawn to the focus on building real-world projects – the kind that have a tangible impact on people's lives. This internship will be a fantastic opportunity to hone my skills, learn from experienced mentors, and contribute to something meaningful.

I can't wait to embark on this new adventure with HNG and share my experiences with all of you. Stay tuned for more coding conquests, debugging triumphs, and insights from the HNG trenches!

conradgabe out!

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