Originally posted at coreyja.com on 2018-04-15
At work we often use monorepos, where the root of the git repo contains subdirs where each one contains a different project. A single repo could contain multiple Ruby projects, or a single Ruby project and a docs repo for instance. When I work in these monorepos I typically prefer to open VIM at the root level of the git repo. This has the unfortunate side effect of making it hard to interact with vim-rspec1 plugin. vim-rspec tries to run rspec from the git root which is outside of any of the projects, and as such fails.
Investigating Plugin Configuration
My first thought was maybe there was some settings or configuration options in vim-rpsec that I could expand.
The first option I looked into was the ability to set a custom command to run instead of simply rspec
. This can be done by a like such as this one in your .vimrc
let g:rspec_command = "Dispatch rspec {spec}"
From here I thought about writing a command that could parse the {spec}
and cd
to the correct directory. Sometimes the spec
will simply be a path, but sometimes it will also contain a :
and a number at the end to indicate a line number for instance some/path/to/spec.rb:15
It would be possible to separate the line number from the path, but then I realized the beginning of the path would also contain the dir I needed to cd into. This was helpful, but also meant I would have to modify the {spec}
, as well as just parse it. I decided to look further and see if I could find a simpler solution that lived outside the configuration offered within vim-rspec
Looking outside vim-rspec
After thinking about parsing the path after vim-rspec
was done with it, also meant redoing some of the work that vim-rspec
already did in preparing the {spec}
. It would make more sense to get vim-rspec
to run as if we were in the project root, instead of the git root. So what I wanted to do was cd
to the correct directory, run the vim-rspec
command and then cd
back to where I started. But I didn't know how to determine where or when to cd
to a different directory. For instance, sometimes the projects I work on are not in monorepos, so I don't need any of this extra behavior.
One thing that most rspec spec files have in common, is that they are within a project that contain a Gemfile
. All my monorepos will contain a Gemfile in the root on the project if it is a Ruby project that is using rspec, so this will work for my use-case and I imagine many others.
Since we are operating outside the context of vim-rspec
we are acting in the context of the current file in VIM. From the file we need to find the nearest Gemfile
if one exists. Luckily the findfile
function in VIM will do exactly what I want. From there it was simply a matter of cding to that directory before running vim-rspec
, and the returning the original directory. I decided to (probably overly π) deconstruct into a few functions that I added to my .vimrc
Here is an excerpt from my .vimrc
with the relevant bits of my full solution
fun! SafeCD(dir)
execute 'cd' fnameescape(a:dir)
fun! RunFromDir(dir, function)
let current_dir = getcwd()
if !(a:dir ==? '')
call SafeCD(a:dir)
call a:function()
call SafeCD(current_dir)
call a:function()
fun! RunFromGemfileDir(function)
let gemfile_dir = fnamemodify(findfile("Gemfile"), ':p:h')
call RunFromDir(gemfile_dir, a:function)
" RSpec.vim mappings
map <Leader>t :call RunFromGemfileDir(function('RunCurrentSpecFile'))<CR>
map <Leader>s :call RunFromGemfileDir(function('RunNearestSpec'))<CR>
map <Leader>l :call RunFromGemfileDir(function('RunLastSpec'))<CR>
map <Leader>a :call RunFromGemfileDir(function('RunAllSpecs'))<CR>
This includes a few fun bits that I didn't know about vimscript before starting on this project. The first was how to modify and work with paths, and the second was how to pass around vim functions. Learn Vimscript the Hard Way was an excellent resource for both.
The awesome people over at ThoughtBot maintain the vim-rspec gem, that I really enjoy, which allows you to run your Rspec specs from within VIM! β©
This is the actual rspec command I use to integrate with the vim-dispatch plugin β©
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