Hi, it's Takuya here.
As you may know, I mainly use Neovim to code my app called Inkdrop, a cross-platform Markdown note-taking app.
It's built wit...
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Hi Takuya, nice to see you here! when I saw the first screenshot I thought in you immediately, thanks for share all of your config!
Hello Takuya, I love your coding videos, they're so satisfying and relaxing! Great setup by the way. Do you feel any inconveniences while working in neovim? I've been writing in neovim for a while, but eventually jumped to vscode because there were some little bugs that didn't make me completely happy with the whole process. Is your setup fully convenient for you?
Hi Takyuta, nice blog and video I liked it so much.
I'm new in Vim world and I don't know how to make the lspconfig and cmp show autocompletation for my eslint config (eslintrc.json), for example in vscode if I write "no-con" the IDE shows me suggestion for "no-console" but in vim I can't replicate that feature. If someone with more knowledge in this world can help me I will really appreciate.
Thanks everyone!!
Resolve, that happened because lspconfig doesn't have suggestions for JSON files, you have to specify the JSON Schema for each classic JSON file like
etc.There is a plugin which contains almost all the JSON schemas called
so you can add the next line in yourplugins.lua
and in your
add the JSON configurationA fantastic read Takuya! Thanks for the update :)
Definitely gonna bookmark this. I'm a fan of your YouTube channel and man how I envy your Neovim setup, lol.
Thanks a lot for this one!
I don't want to see that thing in my life
hello, i tried to modify these formatting parameters, but it has been impossible to find where and in what file to put them, nor can I find documentation. someone knows ?
Modifying it in vscode is easy, just put, for example, in settings.json a property like
"typescript.format.insertSpaceAfterFunctionKeywordForAnonymousFunctions": true
but in neovim ?

Greetings, I wrote and did all the configuration steps as you put it in the video but not in macos but I did it with ubuntu, but the autotag for the html tags does not work for me, everything else turned out very well for me, I must be missing something in the configuration
why using many LSP plugins ?
Great article! Although, I assume you use solarized-osaka now 🤣
Is the tailwind lsp server causing lag for you. It's been causing a lot of problems for me as of late?
Yeah. It's been discussed here btw github.com/neovim/neovim/issues/19...
Great . Thanks for Sharing
Does anyone know what laptop stand he is using in the video?
I know you're Japanese, I've been watching you on youtube for a long time ago , thanks for the knowlege ❤️
Takuya, please make a new config blog or video in 2024!
Are you able to use Tailwind autocomplete with twin.macro?
That can be done by passing settings when setting up tailwind
local nvim_lsp = require "lspconfig"
nvim_lsp.tailwindcss.setup {
settings = {
tailwindCSS = {
experimental = {
classRegex = {