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Cover image for Creative HTML Cards | Style 1
Creative Salahu
Creative Salahu

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Creative HTML Cards | Style 1

This CodePen showcases a stylish and modern card design using HTML and CSS. The cards feature a unique skewed background and smooth hover effects, making them visually appealing for various uses like portfolios, services, or product features. The layout is responsive, ensuring a seamless experience across different devices, from desktops to mobile phones.

Responsive Design: Adjusts seamlessly for desktop, tablet, and mobile views.
Interactive Hover Effects: Cards change background color and reveal a "Read More" button on hover.
Custom Icons: Each card includes a unique icon that is centered and styled for aesthetic appeal.
Typography: Uses the "Epilogue" font for a clean and modern look.
External Links: Each card has a link to a Fiverr profile for more information.
How to Use
Copy the HTML structure into your CodePen editor or any HTML file.
Include the provided CSS either in a tag or an external stylesheet.<br> Customize the card content, links, and icons to fit your needs.</p> <p> </p>

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