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Migrate to discordgo v0.24.0 from v0.23.2

Recently, discordgo v0.24.0 is finally released! With this version, you can use threads or slash commands which is awesome.

In this release, type of Timestamp is changed to string to time.Time.

My bot was blocked to upgrade due to this problem. So I inspected.

In the fix commit, time.Parse(time.RFC3339, string(t)) is used, which implies Discord uses RF3339 internally to express timestamp.

On the other hand, Go's default time.Time.String() returns 2006-01-02 15:04:05.999999999 -0700 MST style, which is not RFC3339.

The problem is, the fix is not applied to all the timestamp in discordgo. Like , timestamp in string type remains.

Therefore, you have to use time.Format(time.RFC3339) to pass the timestamp to, for example discordgo.MessageEmbed.Timestamp.

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