
Discussion on: I need feedback on my first website

ctnkaan profile image
Çetin Kaan Taşkıngenç • Edited

It looks quite good for your first project. One recommendation I could give you is to improve your git commit messages. I've seen you make commits like "updated css stuff". This is not a best practice. I used to do commits like these when I first started coding but if you do proper git commits you can show these projects to other developers/recruiters.

I recommend you to check out and use semantic commit messages in the future. You'll get used to it in no time. Keep on coding!

Semantic Git Commits

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thanks for your feedback and recommendation. It's really helpful.

atinypixel profile image
Aziz Kaukawala

Thank you!

Even after 7+ years, I didn't followed any such commit conventions, recently since ~6 months came across this very semantic doc and started using that. Day and night difference between my commits and 10x more easier to generate work reports etc.

Such small tweaks do result into great outcomes.

Happy Coding.

Best of luck @ahmadkdev for the new journey.

ahmadkdev profile image
Ahmad Khalid

Thank you.

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