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Java Newsletter Insights — Issue 15

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🔥** Top Java Post**
Loom in a Nutshell
A straight to the point explanation about Loom, a project that aims to bring Virtual Threads and structured concurrency to the Java Platform. Learn more >>

🤖 Java Interview Question
Which Java class is designed to represent a universal unique identifier?
The UUID class, available in the java.util package, can represent a universally unique identifier (UUID). An UUID object represents a 128-bit value and is immutable.

StackOverflow Java Question
How do I efficiently iterate over each entry in a Java Map?

🖱️ Just Click It

1. JEP 429: Extent-Local Variables (Incubator)

2. Java Money API

3. Eclipe Java IDE 2022–06 Improvements

4. Turn any Java program into a self-contained EXE

5. Efficient Memory Mapping for Terabyte Sparse Files in Java
6. Book review: Head First Java, third edition

7. VS Code: Getting Better and Better for Java

⚙️ New Releases

- IntelliJ IDEA 2022.02

Previous Editions

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