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Journey to web3 through web3bridge

I will like to be giving update on how things has been going and what I've learnt sofar, I will start to give you a summary of what I've learnt during this 14days.
Mind you I've always want to be a Blockchain developer, and thanks to and Okoye Kevin Chibuoyim through whom I have access to this opportunity to learn on fully scholarship.
So first What is web3bridge?
Web3bridge is a program that help to train web3 developer in Africa. Theyare working on building sustainable Web3 economy in Africa through remote and onsite Web3 development training, supporting web3 developers and startups, and lowering barriers of entry into the Web3 ecosystem. You can learn more about them on their website
What I've I learnt so far?
At first I was able to understand what Blockchain really means, Blockchain is a list of record that are stored in a chronological order, it is a decentralised record that are shared among every nodes on the network.
Before we can agree a system is Blockchain or decentralised it must contain some sets of features which are :
Peer to peer operations
Consensus rules
Transactions and also it must be decentralised.
Blockchain has been in existence for some years back but it became famous that was 2009 through bitcoin.
There are different types of Blockchain but we mainly focus on two which are, Bitcoin and Ethereum. Bitcoin is more like a digital currency (Cryptocurrency) that only deal with sending and receiving transaction.
Alright, at web3bridge we focus on Ethereum Blockchain this is why most of my post during this journey will basically be on Ethereum Blockchain,
What is Ethereum? Ethereum is often described as world computer that allows developer to build application in a decentralised way. Ethereum run on a EVM call Ethereum virtual machine which is Turing complete, whatI mean by Turing complete is the ability of a machine to solve a computational Problem no matter how complex it is. So this give Ethereum Blockchain ability to run codes and store data at the same time unlike Bitcoin.
Before I talk about any other things else, I would like to explain and clear us the mistake of taken Ethereum as a Cryptocurrency, Ethereum is not a Cryptocurrency but has it own native token that's used to perform transaction which is called Ether(ETH).
Due to the ability of Ethereum Blockchain and what some developers can do to affect the network, Gas is introduced to the system,
What is Gas?
Gas is a unit measurements that's required to carried out operation on the Ethereum Blockchain.
To be able to have access to the Ethereum Blockchain network there is a software called client, Client is a software applications that implements Ethereum specifications and there are different types of Clients.
We have Ethereum client and we also have a remote client. Ethereum client/network are programs use to implement Ethereum specifications while Remote client is a software applications that helps to interact with the Ethereum Blockchain also know as Wallet, which can be metamask, trust wallet etc.
Wallet contain of our account(EOA) in which there are private and public key, private key is use to sign a transaction and public key is use to verify a transaction. This will make me to explain what transaction means, Transaction is a signed message innitiated from an Externally Own Account (EOA) and change the state of the EVM. Transactions contain of different types of things Like:
The nonce --> Number of transaction in an account.
Message --> contain the details of the transaction.
Gas fee --> The amount of gas spend for the transaction etc.
So Ethereum use consensus mechanism to validate and verify Block/ transaction.
What is consensus mechanism?
Consensus mechanism are systems of agreement that determine the validity of transactions and governance of the blockchain, we have different types of consensus mechanism.
The proof of stake and proof of Work.
Proof of Work--> This is the situation whereby computational power is use to validate blocks on the blockchain (Mining), mind you, you have another understanding of Mining right like creating of new Cryptocurrency but that's actually Minting.
So what is proof of stake, this is when a node has to stake minimum of 32eth on the Ethereum Blockchain to be among the validator, although validator is choose randomly within 12sec to validate a block, the higher your stake the higher your chance of been chosen.
There's lot to say but I will like to end it here and hope to see you next time, but before I go The link to the summary video of this is added below thanks Everyone.
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