Backend is literally the backbone of development, and a big passion of mine; it's where everything started.
Today I'll be showcasing 9 backend fra...
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I could be wrong, but I don't believe any framework really sticks out for go. Gin is popular for personal projects, but from what I understand it's better to understand vanilla go rather than focus on a framework, as many companies just end up building there own from a thin wrapper over the stdlib
Hey Zach,
I do reckon and mention you would need to understand each language first, so always a big fan of learning the vanilla language.
I do see quite a lot of people using Gin, not sure on enterprise level.
Edit: I meant than focus on a language. Totally changed the meaning of what I meant haha my apologies.
Nice , 😄, I am a
developer , So May I know whyASP.NET MVC
is Not best at SEO out of the box and Hosting might become more difficult ?With hosting I was mainly talking from a new person's perspective, I don't know how you feel about this, but for me setting up .Net hosting can be harder.
I've struggled with this a lot before, where your basic linux hosting is just easier and you can find more topics on this. (I realize this might be opinionated)
The SEO, not saying these things are not fixable, but out of the box it could be better:
article you refer is talking aboutASP.NET Web Forms
, which is outdated framework. Its not good idea to blog out wrong information by mistake, this gives wrong impression to beginners while making decisions. :)What cool thing you can do with .NET ?
. Now we haveASP.NET MVC
, Which is pretty mature framework, we can do all things in SEO using this framework.I didn't write this to promote the framework, I just shared some good information on .NET, Tools may change every year, So At the end use the best tool for the Job. :)
Oke cool thanks for this additional info, I know .net is pretty cool, I mean I used it about 5 years ago the last time, so don't pin me down on the details these days.
Hosting back then was a pain, because Azure wasn't a thing, and setting up Windows hosting could take forever...
It's def a good framework for people getting into development, hence it's on the list 🤟
Nice , How easy its to setup
hosting then , What web server did you use ? Do you know a article or tutorial on how to host apps in linux ? I want to try it once.This might be a personal answer, but compared to windows hosting back in the days Linux was always way more interfaced using systems like for instance DirectAdmin.
But even underwater setting up Linux hosting is not difficult.
As for WebServer this Linux article is great: linuxandubuntu.com/home/how-to-set...
Thank you. Had good discussion though. Appreciate. :)
That SEO article is from 2011 and like 5 major framework version updates behind, the last 3 of which run on Windows, Mac, and Linux. VS.net has right click publish to Azure web hosting plans that run on either Linux or Windows. Microsoft has reams of documentation, videos, and open source solutions how to get started with web dev on .net.
You’re probably due for a refresher on what .net is these days, because it’s not what you describe.
Hey JFK, sorry to offend you, I mean it made the list, There must just be some pro's and cons and I highly recommend anyone interested to check it out.
I also mention Microsoft has massive documentation on it.
Again sorry if this post offended you, I still think it's a good framework and people should consider it.
To host
apps , we can easily do right click publish toAzure
, or hook up a CI/CD pipeline likeAzure Devops
andGithub Actions
.I don't know why you had bad experience with hosting. Can you elaborate more ? How did you host your
apps ? And how easy it is withLinux
?Hi there, for anyone who is reading: check out github.com/kataras/iris as a gin alternative for Go. It's a more complete web framework and performs a bit faster (especially on router, sessions and jwt implementations). There are more than 250 examples to learn from (all free).
Disclaimer: I am the author of Iris.
Ruby on Rails is plenty flexible.
I don't know of any other framework listed that has a feature like Rails Engines where you create isolate Rails apps that you can embed in other apps.
Also, all the systems of Rails are modular.
Hey Andrew, I'm not a Rails guy myself so sorry if I offended anybody here.
For rails, I went with what I got of my research.
My understanding was that out of the box options were not easy to add yourself, but that is wrong as I see?
Hey, your free rails resource isn't actually on Rails, it's only on Ruby, the language underneath Rails. Like pointing at a JavaScript resource when listing the best React tutorial....
And can I put in a plug for the best paid resource on Rails.... The Pragmatic Studio's course. I took this course. It's not only good, but uses good educational science and hands on techniques to really help you learn.
Hey Joe, thanks for pointing this out, you're completely right, Let me fix that actually, also hadn't seen the pragmatic one, but let me add it as a readers suggestion!
Thank you!
AdonisJS is Laravel in NodeJS -- quite smooth, the transition from Laravel couldn't be easier (I converted a large Laravel project back in 2016 to Adonis, with a bunch of search/replace for language syntax differences & some hand work on hash to objects -- it just ran)
I have tried AdonisJs several months ago, but stopped to continue because I didn't see any job requirements of it. I don't know why it has not been gaining wide acceptance as an opinionated framework, unlike Laravel.
There is a Golang framework that is also heavily inspired by Laravel, including the documentation, namely Confetti : confetti-framework.com/docs/get-st...
But Confetti's documentation is not complete yet; it only provides basic features, no database, session, authentication features.
That sounds interesting!
As far as I'm aware Laravel is built off Symfony.. for me making it it's successor.
And I'm saying this as a Laravel dev coming from Symfony.
I think it's a mistake to not include NestJS in this overview.
Support TypeScript from the get go and structure an app much more better than Express for example.
Hey, thanks for your comment.
Nest is great, I just went with the proven frameworks for this type, if you are new, fun and new frameworks are cool, but then again nobody is hiring for those, and also they might not last.
Not saying this is the case for nest, but I could have included about a billion more frameworks.
I hope everyone picks a framework they like most of all, if that is NestJs 100% go for it, but for the general public I personally think Express or Koa are just more saught after.
To learn NestJs, it needs to learn TS too. I don't want to spend much time that will end up with not using it at all in a job. A lot of Node.js jobs still require Express. So I simply go back to learn Express.
Another popular and very fast framework for go is fiber. Btw amazing article
Ah nice, haven't seen fiber around yet, will look into that one
What about Iris, Beego ? I want to try an opinionated framework, that provides features such as session, authentication.
Currently I use PHP with Laravel. I have tried Node.js with several frameworks. But my mind is still on learning Java towards J2EE/JEE or Spring.
Recently, I was interested in Go and tried some codes from its official site, esp on creating RESTful API which used Gin. It seems that Go can be my next priority, esp after knowing even Microsoft uses it for Azure infrastructure, and several big companies use it too, such as Uber, Twitter, American Express.
Where is Deno ? Why does it not gain wide acceptance, yet ? It seems that only very few people care for the new creation by Ryan Dahl who created Node.js.
I myself am still waiting for its wide acceptance.
"Flask: It uses Python imports to get certain aspects like a database module"
Really? That's amazing - a Python app that uses imports. Who'd have guessed?
Sorry, but this article reads like a list of things the author has heard of - but doesn't really know much about
Well, Adam, you go find someone who knows 9 frameworks fully...
I'm trying my best here to find details of course I don't know all 9 and have no ambition to.
I just want to give people a good overview of the biggest and best options out there.
Django at top: speed is slow
Django at bottom: speed is fast
Make up your mind bruh :3
Django is batteries included, so it's good for creating big, fledged applications. The downside to that is even small applications can take up a lot more memory than they should. Flask is the alternative for small web apps.
Anyway, pretty great article, Chris.
Thanks for this deep-dive Lona.exe (you sound like malware)
So between the two you always have an option ✌️
Hey Rafed, get your confusion here haha.
It's meant to state Django is super fast, but for the small applications it might not be the fastest solution.
Java Spring is huge in Enterprise.
Hey Esteban, I do hear a lot of Spring going on, so good for Java.
So there is djanjo and flask, but no Ruby on rails and sinatra, sad.
They're is Ruby on Rails ;)
Java -> Quarkus. Give it a try
Ah nice, this one is new to me!