DEV Community

Discussion on: Job rejection depression

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Dana Ottaviani

I left my first software job because I was no longer comfortable working there and didn't have any other jobs lined up. A few people told me that was a bad idea, but the emotional stress was taking its toll on me.

During the 6 months after that I created my first portfolio site and started blogging (not really for an audience, but to prove to myself how much I know). I was also following tutorials for Vue.js since I started learning about it in my previous company and wanted to continue. By the end of that same year I was accepted to my first remote dev position (I applied by just submitting my resume and cover letter FYI) and absolutely loved the team and company. Unfortunately, I was let go recently before COVID happened (best time to look for a new job huh?). The let go had nothing to do with my work so I didn't take it too personally, but I was devastated.

Currently, I'm still applying to jobs. I will admit I'm picky on which job postings I dedicate time to applying for because there are so many that I feel are not written properly and don't make any sense to me. When I'm not looking for jobs, I'm working on more projects with the new skills I got from my second job and also embracing other hobbies when I need a break from coding.

So being in the job search for the second time now, I have to say, it gets easier. You know more than you once did and you are going to keep learning more to find a better job than you've had before.

Also, I have a friend who is in a completely different career field than me and has been looking for full-time positions since she finished grad school. The depression and self-doubt you mentioned has been a huge center of discussion I've had with her. I'm going to say the same thing to you that I say to her: you need to trust and believe things will get better. If you're willing to learn from your rejections and trust that you will eventually get a job you want, you will make things easier on yourself emotionally when you're going through this tough time.

Wow, I wrote a lot - sorry for the long read. I wish you luck Lloyd, and I hope something about my experience makes you feel better.