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The react pokedex pages

For a final post I feel like I should discuss the pages themselves and how they render the way they do.

Pokedex page

Image description
Image description

How it works:

  • Import statements
  • Functional component declaration for Pokedex component
  • State hooks to create and manage state variables (when a component needs to “remember” some information between renders) within the pokedex component
  • getAllPokemons function is responsible for fetching data about Pokemon from the PokeAPI. It updates the state with the fetched data and the URL for the next set of Pokemon.
  • Modal interaction functions to make it visible/hidden
  • useEffect hook is used here to run the getAllPokemons function when the component mounts (due to the empty dependency array []). This ensures that the initial set of Pokemon is fetched when the component is first rendered.
  • JSX structure that defines how the component is rendered
  • Export statement

Favourites page

Again the favourites page functions a little differently as it is fetching data from the json server rather than the API. Here is the code breakdown of the page:

Image description
Image description

How it works:

  • Import statements
  • Functional component declaration for the Favourites component
  • The useState hooks create and manage state variables within the Favourites component. State allows the component to keep track of data that may change over time.
  • The useEffect hook is used here to run the fetchFavourites function when the component mounts (due to the empty dependency array []). This ensures that the list of favorite Pokemon is fetched when the component is first rendered.
  • Function to fetch favourite pokemon data - updates the state with the fetched data
  • Modal interaction functions - open and close
  • Function to update favourite pokemon - passed down to the FavouritesModal component. It updates the state with the latest list of favorite Pokemon after a Pokemon is added or removed.
  • JSX structure to render the component
  • Export statement

Final thoughts

So that pretty much sums up the entire project and how I was able to make it. Big thanks to Albert for being an amazing mentor. If you want to check out the app you can access it here:

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