
Discussion on: Join Virtual Coffee in the Healthy Habits for Happy Devs monthly challenge

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Daniel Rendox

This month, I'll try to fix my schedule cause now I'm almost completely out of sync. The idea is to do the things within specific time blocks and not excede the time of each.
I believe that establishing such a schedule can help in making everything a habit, maintaining the right regime, and improving productivity overall.


  • Make a habit of summing up what you’ve done today
  • Maintain a streak for each routine till the end of the month

I'm kinda fond of this self-improvement stuff and want to create my own habit-tracking and to-do app. So here are some good resources I found the most useful:

  • Habits — a very simple open-source Android app for visualizing habit streaks.
  • — open-source, Android, best for alarms, and notifications for recurring tasks.
  • Productive and HabitNow — for more complicated productivity systems; they are similar, but HabitNow is more customizable.
  • Notion — The king 👑: good for daily diaries, plans, simple (not automated) to-do lists, links, images, and that kind of stuff. But not good for habit tracking (you spend more time creating and maintaining the Notion database).