DEV Community

Discussion on: It is hard.

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Dan Silcox

Hang in there - I’ve been a developer for 15 years and still sometimes feel like I don’t know what I’m doing! But other times when everything ‘goes right’ it is a great feeling! Feelings are temporary but the learning and the joy of creating stuff is much longer term! :)

We all learn in different ways and at different paces - maybe try a style/format/setting you’ve never done before - if you’ve always done websites, do a simple hello world api, or if there’s something you have never done but always wanted to try, see if you can find a good YouTube code-along or something and just give it a whirl - worst case it goes in your list of unfinished projects, either way you learn something new :)

Kudos to you for reaching out rather than just sitting silently in your frustration though - that’s half the battle sometimes...