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Imam Ali Mustofa

Try to create GUI Dashboard for NoSQL database based on Flat File using JSON called SleekwareDB on the top of SleekDB.

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GitHub logo SleekwareDB / sleekwaredb

SleekwareDB is a NoSQL database storage service. A database storage service that can be used for various platforms and is easy to integrate.

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<strong>SleekwareDB is a NoSQL database storage service. A database storage service that can be used for various platforms and is easy to integrate.</strong>
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NoSQL API with SleekDB. This project was created as an alternative to the existing NoSQL database services on the Internet. SleekDB is an API for File-based NoSQL database management built on top of the SleekDB.


What is SleekwareDB? SleekwareDB is a NoSQL database storage service. A database storage service that can be used for various platforms and is easy to integrate.

SleekwareDB is an Open Source project, anyone can contribute to build a better SleekwareDB for the future.


🗃️ Flat File Database
Easy to manage flat file JSON as database

🌐 REST API Operation
CRUD Stores and Collections with Easy REST API

Cross Platform
Integrate with any Platform

🖥️ Self-Hosted
Install on your server with easy installation process

☁️ Web UI Dashboard