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Federico Roman
Federico Roman

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Technical Learnings after 1 month

After I few weeks of taking a breath I start a job as Software Engineer at a startup working remotly. I come from a fullstack background, previous to this job I work with php and JS/React.

This project has a repo with submodules, a frontend application created with RCA using MUI and a backend with Python using FastAPI and mysql.

I start in the frontend and later move to the backend for an implementation of a new feature, some of the mistakes that I made at the begining were:

  • I didn't dedicate enough time to understanding the conventions of the translation files. Most of the elements started with feature_name_*, but I omitted the feature_name_ portion. I had a pending ticket to fix this.

  • In the backend, I used camelCase notation instead of snake_case, which most of the code was written in. This took time to change, since my responses to the frontend were in camelCase. Changing the response in the backend to snake_case required updates to the frontend as well.

  • Additionally, I didn't have a thorough understanding of the product, which caused delays in designing new components and experimenting with libraries for graphics.

What I learn from this is:

  • Always verify if a component already exists in the product and use it whenever possible. If the code is too specific to a certain use case, take the time to refactor it into a reusable component.

  • It's important to take the time to understand the conventions used in the codebase. While it may require an investment of time upfront, following established conventions will save time in the long run and make the codebase more maintainable.

What am I working now, as this is a startup we don't have too much time for improvements or try new things so in my free time I'm including tests with cypress, doing a refactor in the frontend base on this article and making a migration from CRA to Vite.

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