DEV Community

Discussion on: Getting Started With WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux )

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David Velasco • Edited

I have WSL2 setup on a Windows machine that I use daily for web development. It works very well, but I have experienced some limitations:

  • I'd have to install an X server for Electron development. I recall reading that WSL is not intended for the development of Desktop GUI applications, hence no DISPLAY.

  • I cannot run e2e tests with protractor (Angular). This can be circumvented with proper configuration, maybe using puppeteer, as with anything that requires a Chrome binary.

  • I had the same problem using Karma/Jasmine for unit testing (Angular). IIRC the solution was to either provide a CHROME_BIN variable (no need for X server, just use a Windows install in /mnt/c/...) or use puppeteer (headless).

  • Puppeteer needs special configuration. I need to investigate more use cases, but it is likely that the best scenario is to use its own Chrome executable.

Note: These are off the top of my head, from problems I've run into at some point, so the situation might have changed in the present. Once I'm on my computer (phone right now), I'll take a look again at a few related issues.

Update: BTW, I really recommend upgrading to WSL2. The changes to file system alone are worth it.