- A process is an instance of an executing program; each process has a unique process id & its parent process id
- Virtual memory of a process is logically divided into:
- Text initialized & uninitialized
- Data
- Stack - a series of frames with a new frame being added as a function is invoked & removed when the function returns; each frame contains local variables, function arguments, and called linkage information for a single function implication
- Heap
- Command line arguments supplied when a program is invoked are made available via argc and argv arguments to the main function
int proc_id = getpid();
int par_proc_id = getppid();
Memory Allocation
malloc() // memory allocation
calloc() // contiguous allocation
free() // de-allocate
realloc() // re-allocate
// example
int* ptr
int num=8;
ptr = (int*)malloc(num*sizeof(int))
System Limits
- SUSV3 (Single Unix Specification V3) adds a lot of new functions into C/C++ library
- SUSV3 specifies limits that an implementations may enforce and system options that an implementation may support
#include <limits.h>
--Discrete Math--
- p → q ≡ ~p V q
~(p → q) ≡ ~(~p V q) ≡ (~~p ʌ ~q) ≡ p ʌ ~q
- apply DeMorgan's Law
- the only scenario where p → q is false is when p is T and q is F. Negating that p → q would be F. So this is equivalent to p ʌ ~q where p is T and q is F.
Contrapositive of a conditional
p → q ≡ ~q → ~p because
- p → q ≡ ~p V q and
- ~q → ~p ≡ q V ~p
- with ~p V q ≡ q V ~p being true
Converse: p → q is the statement q → p (not logically equivalent)
Inverse: p → q is the statement ~p → ~q (contrapositive of a converse)
- conclusion: converse ≡ inverse since contrapositive statements are logically equivalent
Biconditional p ↔ q
- a conjunctive statement where we have both p → q and q → p implications
- "if and only if"
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