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Deenanath Dayal
Deenanath Dayal

Posted on

How to use the stack with the Flutter SDK.


Creating an in-depth tutorial on building with the Solana Mobile Stack (SMS) is a great way to encourage developers to integrate Solana into their mobile apps. In this tutorial, I'll guide you through the process of building a mobile app using the Solana Mobile Stack with the Flutter SDK. I'll also provide code snippets and examples to help developers get started.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following prerequisites:

  1. Flutter SDK installed: Follow the official Flutter installation guide to set up Flutter on your development machine.

  2. A basic understanding of Flutter and mobile app development.

  3. Familiarity with Solana: Refer to the official Solana documentation to understand the Solana ecosystem.

Step 1: Set Up Your Flutter Project

Let's start by creating a new Flutter project and setting it up for Solana integration.

flutter create solana_mobile_app
cd solana_mobile_app
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Step 2: Add Dependencies

In your pubspec.yaml file, add the Solana Mobile Stack (SMS) and other necessary dependencies:

    sdk: flutter
  solana_mobile_stack: ^latest_version
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Replace ^latest_version with the latest version of the Solana Mobile Stack available on

Run flutter pub get to fetch the dependencies.

Step 3: Initialize Solana

In your Flutter app's code, you'll need to initialize Solana. Create a new Dart file (e.g., solana_service.dart) to handle Solana interactions:

import 'package:solana_mobile_stack/solana_mobile_stack.dart';

class SolanaService {
  SolanaClient _solanaClient;

  SolanaService() {
    _solanaClient = SolanaClient();

  Future<void> connect() async {
    await _solanaClient.connect();

  Future<void> createWallet() async {
    await _solanaClient.createWallet();

  // Add more Solana-related functions as needed
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Step 4: Use Solana in Your App

Now, you can use the SolanaService in your Flutter app's UI code. For example, you can create a button to create a Solana wallet:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';

void main() => runApp(MyApp());

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  final SolanaService _solanaService = SolanaService();

  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: Scaffold(
        appBar: AppBar(
          title: Text('Solana Mobile App'),
        body: Center(
          child: Column(
            children: <Widget>[
                onPressed: () async {
                  await _solanaService.connect();
                  await _solanaService.createWallet();
                  // Handle wallet creation success
                child: Text('Create Solana Wallet'),
              // Add more UI elements for Solana integration
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Step 5: Testing and Further Development

Run your Flutter app on an emulator or physical device using flutter run to test the Solana integration. You can now expand your app's functionality by adding features like transferring SOL tokens, interacting with smart contracts, and more using the Solana Mobile Stack.

GitHub Repository

Creating a GitHub repository with a complete codebase and clear documentation for a Solana-integrated Flutter app is a great way to provide developers with a practical example. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create the repository and structure it:

Step 1: Create a New GitHub Repository

  1. Go to GitHub and log in to your account.

  2. Click the "+" sign in the top right corner and select "New repository."

  3. Fill in the repository name, description, and other settings as desired.

  4. Choose between making the repository public or private, depending on your preference.

  5. Click the "Create repository" button.

Step 2: Clone the Repository Locally

To work on your Flutter app and push it to GitHub, you'll need to clone the repository to your local machine.

git clone
cd solana_mobile_app
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Step 3: Organize the Repository Structure

Create a well-organized structure for your repository. Here's a suggested structure:

  ├── lib/
  │   ├── main.dart
  │   ├── solana_service.dart
  │   └── ...
  ├── pubspec.yaml
  └── ...
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  • lib/: This directory should contain your Flutter app's Dart code, including the main application file (main.dart) and any other relevant Dart files.

  • pubspec.yaml: This file should list all the dependencies your app uses, including the Solana Mobile Stack.

  • This file should provide clear documentation for your project, including instructions on how to set up the project, integrate Solana, and any other relevant information.

Step 4: Add Code and Documentation

  1. Add your Flutter app's code to the lib/ directory, including the solana_service.dart file and any other Dart files related to Solana integration.

  2. In your file, include the following sections (at a minimum):

  • Project Overview: Briefly explain what your app does and why Solana integration is important.

  • Getting Started: Provide step-by-step instructions for developers to set up the project locally. Include any prerequisites, installation steps, and configuration instructions.

  • Usage: Explain how to use your app's Solana-related features. Include code snippets and examples to demonstrate Solana interactions.

  • Contributing: Encourage others to contribute to your project and provide guidelines for submitting pull requests.

  • License: Specify the license under which your project is distributed.

  1. Add code comments and inline documentation to your Dart code to help developers understand your implementation.

Step 5: Push to GitHub

Once you've added your code and documentation, it's time to push your changes to GitHub:

git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push origin master
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Step 6: Share Your Repository

Share the GitHub repository link with developers who want to learn how to integrate Solana into their Flutter apps. You can also promote it through social media or developer communities to reach a wider audience.


By following this tutorial and providing a well-documented GitHub repository, you can help developers get started with the Solana Mobile Stack in their mobile apps. Feel free to enhance this example with more Solana-related features as needed.

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