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Setup a React app with Webpack and Babel

Anubhav Sarkar on February 26, 2021

This article is part of a two part series on how to configure a React app from scratch with Webpack and Babel and eventually add TypeScript to it. ...
idiglove profile image
Faith Morante

In latest webpack, it should be devServer -> static instead of devServer -> contentBase. Otherwise will get this error:

[webpack-cli] Invalid options object. Dev Server has been initialized using an options object that does not match the API schema.
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Other than, that thanks for the article, cheers

chengdongxue profile image

Are you met the same error?

deadwing7x profile image
Anubhav Sarkar

Hey, if you are comfortable with it. You can raise a PR with the changes and I will merge the changes to the repo. Thanks for letting everyone know about the recent changes.

nguyenhien16091997 profile image
msabtainanwar profile image
Muhammad Sabtain Anwar

Same issue .

greaperdev profile image
Ioannis Kotsonis

When i run "npm run webpack", the webpack script was missing. I did all the steps but for a strange reason, i had to add the scripts manually to make it work.
By the way, it's not a problem at all.
Very nice topic, you helped me A LOT!

deadwing7x profile image
Anubhav Sarkar

Hey, thank you for your feedback! 😃 I missed adding a line to add webpack in the script! I just attached the image after adding it! That might have caused the confusion! Anyways thank you! 😁

venkatramy profile image

Same thing happened to me, which step i had to replace to come out of this error. Please suggest. TIA

deadwing7x profile image
Anubhav Sarkar

So, you need to add these two scripts in the package.json file.

You can find the link to the file in this link below:

sergeylukin profile image
Sergey Lukin

Great and useful article. It's always best to know how stuff works behind the scenes.
The only correction is that @babel /plugin-proposal-class-properties is not required as long as @babel /preset-env is used, see

deadwing7x profile image
Anubhav Sarkar

Thanks :) Merged your PR ;)

sergeylukin profile image
Sergey Lukin


sabhas profile image
Sabir Hassan

can somebody guide me about the alternatives of node-sass image-webpack-loader. these two packages contains some vulnerabilities. However these packages are only being used in dev mode but still I want alternatives of these two with out vulnerabilities.

a89529294 profile image
Albert Chang

Thank you for the article.
From the last sentence in point 9, you said 'The webpack-dev-server took everything from the src folder and outputted it to our browser.'
However I do not understand how is webpack-dev-server able to do that since the src/index.html does not link index.js.

deadwing7x profile image
Anubhav Sarkar • Edited

Thanks for your feedback. 😄

So, what webpack-dev-server does is, it just shows whatever files are needed to be displayed on the browser. If you check the devServer attribute in the config file, you will see that I mentioned it to take all files from the ‘src’ folder and display them on the browser. However the part which you are looking for, is done by the html-webpack-plugin. This is another npm package, which takes the output js file, i.e, the single/ final prod build file and then calls it in the index.html file.

pavindulakshan profile image
Pavindu Lakshan • Edited

If you are going to refer this tutorial to create an NPM package using React, just remember to edit main property in your package.json to point to the build directory. Other than that, great article 😃

deadwing7x profile image
Anubhav Sarkar

That’s right! Thanks for sharing that! 😁🙌🏻

sgoulas profile image

This is a quality article. I especially like how you take time to talk about why each package is needed, instead of just adding everything and throwing the final configuration. Thank you.

deadwing7x profile image
Anubhav Sarkar

Thank you so much! 😁🙌🏻

dplopezsioux profile image

Nice! it works perfectly fine!

deadwing7x profile image
Anubhav Sarkar

Thanks 😬

xahii_majeed_38243b114755 profile image
Xahii Majeed

Hey I want apply Webpack to existing project,is that even possible ,if it’s what are the extra steps I have to follow apart from this article, I followed all the steps but once I import my existing app.js to this workflow and try npm run build it’s creates a build successfully but while running index.html it’s throws an error

bor_63 profile image

Hi there, after the build script I noticed that the index.bundle.js is using eval();
Example: eval("console.log(\"aaa\");\n\n//# sourceURL=webpack://reactapp/./src/components/a.js?");

In this example I have a folder in "src" called "components", there I have 1 script that simply has "console.log('aaa')". I include this script in "index.js" like so: import './components/a';. After the build command I can see it with eval() in index.bundle.js. Is this correct ?

venkatramy profile image

I'm unable to run webpack after step 8. Please help me to move forward, it is showing missing script in command. TIA

irfaantjj profile image
Irfaan Sulaiman • Edited

Brilliant Article & Tutorial! Salute! It saved me :-)

tiagobbraga profile image
Tiago Braga

Thank you a lot!

For those who start with monorepo too, that's the amazing article about config step-by-step webpack.

deadwing7x profile image
Anubhav Sarkar

Thank you for your feedback 😄

rahulud profile image
tehkonst profile image

Don't install image-webpack-loader it contains 19 vulnerabilities (14 moderate, 5 high)