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Discussion on: RxJS Tip: Understand the Terminology: Observable

deborahk profile image
Deborah Kurata

Thank you for your comments. Could you provide a specific code example? I had understood the guidance to be to use a creation function instead of new Observable() where possible. And that we should only use new when creating a Subject/BehaviorSubject. But I'm happy to correct if my information is not accurate. Thanks!

maxime1992 profile image

Sure thing :).

Imagine you're using a library like ngx-toastr:

where the API lets you create a toast message with the following API:

import { ToastrService } from 'ngx-toastr';

  // ...
export class YourComponent {
  constructor(private toastr: ToastrService) {`Some message`, `Some title`);
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Now the code above will open a toast (and as soon as the default timeout is reached it'll be closed).

Let say that now, we have an HTTP call which may take super long, so we want the user to be aware of the status.

You could do the following:

import { ToastrService } from 'ngx-toastr';
import { tap } from 'rxjs/operators';

  // ...
export class YourComponent {
  public res;

  constructor(private http: HttpClient, private toastr: ToastrService) {
    const toastRef =
      `Please wait as it may take a moment`,
      `Some work is being triggered`,
        // the call may take longer than the toast timeout in this case
        // so we turn the timeout off
        disableTimeOut: true,

        // some request that'll take long
        tap((res) => {
          this.res = res;

        catchError(() => {
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What you could do instead would be something like this:

import { ToastrService } from 'ngx-toastr';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { take, exhaustMap, shareReplay } from 'rxjs/operators';

  // ...
export class YourComponent {
  private toastPleaseWait$: Observable<void> = new Observable<void>(
    (observer) => {
      const toastReference =
        `Please wait as it may take a moment`,
        `Some work is being triggered`,
          // the call may take longer than the toast timeout in this case
          // so we turn the timeout off
          disableTimeOut: true,

      // this callback will be closed whenever the stream is closed
      // and this is where we can perform some cleanup, in this case
      // closing the toast
      return () => toastReference.toastRef.close();

  // subscribe in the view with async to display the result
  public res$ = this.toastPleaseWait$.pipe(
    exhaustMap(() =>
        // some request that'll take long
    // make sure we close the stream so that toast$ is also
    // getting closed as soon as we've got our result and
    // therefore will run its cleanup callback

  constructor(private http: HttpClient, private toastr: ToastrService) {}
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The nice about this approach IMO is that the 3rd party resource manipulation which doesn't have a reactive public API is wrapped into a cold observable (which we could subscribe to multiple times) and no one down the stream has to worry about what was created and requires to be cleaned up.

It would also let us take advantage of Rxjs further if for example we were using a retry on the HTTP call. If one HTTP call was to start: the popup would show. As soon as it's completed or throws, the popup would be closed. If we do add retry(3) at the end of our stream, and the call was failing the first 2 times then succeeding the third one, we'd see:

  • popup opening
  • (fail) popup closing
  • (automatic retry) popup opening
  • (fail) popup closing
  • (automatic retry) popup opening
  • (success) popup closing

In conclusion, I'd say that when you have to work with APIs that are not exposing some reactive bindings you can isolate the creation and teardown logic of those by using new Observable(...) while operators like of, from etc would not be able to let you handle the cleanup.

Hope it's clear :)!

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deborahk profile image
Deborah Kurata

Nice! Thanks for providing your example. I would have implemented this as an external Subject instead of wrapping the third-party API in a new Observable. This solution looks much cleaner. I'll adjust my comment. Thanks again!