Embedly offers a suite of tools, APIs, and libraries to help you embed content from media providers into your websites and apps. Richer content means a more engaging experience for people who visit your site or use your app. Starting today, Embedly has just added support for embedding DECS code snippets everywhere.
You can now share your DECS code snippets directly within any blog or webpage. All of the major blogging platforms provide seamless support for
Embedly-provider content, including WordPress, Blogger, Tumblr, Medium and manyothers.
To add the rich code snippet to the blog post copy and paste the DECS snippet URL into the Medium story editor. Medium’s seamless support for Embedly content transforms this link into the embedded rich snippet you see below :-)
Beautiful and functional code embeds
Now it’s easier than ever before to share beautiful code snippets, everywhere with the copy to clipboard and download options. Here is an example of DECS rich code embed— Minimal Google Analytics Snippet.
DECS code snippet (embed) — with one click copy to clipboard and downloadfeatures
Why share static images of code when you can share rich, beautiful and
dynamically updatable code snippets in just a few clicks?
Give it a try here — https://app.decs.xyz
Chrome extension — Install now to enable one-click capture across the web.
Follow us on Medium or on Twitter for more news, tips and unique code snippets from the developers’ community.
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