DEV Community

Abdul Haseeb
Abdul Haseeb

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ReactJS Most Important Interview Questions 2024

Basic Level:

1) What is React?
2) What is JSX?
3) What are Components in React?
4) What is the difference between Functional and Class Components?
5) What is the Virtual DOM?
6) What are Props?
7) What is the State in React?
8) What is the difference between State and Props?
9) What is the use of the useState hook?
10) What is the use of the useEffect hook?

Intermediate Level:

1) What is the purpose of Keys in React?
2) What are React Fragments?
3) What is the Context API in React?
4) What is Higher-Order Component (HOC)?
5) What are React Hooks?
6) What is useMemo and when would you use it?
7) What is the use of useCallback?
8) What is the use of useRef?
9) What are controlled and uncontrolled components in React?
10) What are Pure Components?
11) What is Prop Drilling and how can you avoid it?

Advanced Level:

1) What is Redux and how is it used in React?
2) What are React Portals?
3) What is React Suspense?
4) How does React handle performance optimization?
5) What is Server-Side Rendering (SSR) in React?
6) What is the difference between useReducer and useState?
7) What is React Fiber?
8) What is Code Splitting and how is it implemented in React?
9) What is Reconciliation in React?
10) How does React.memo work?
11) What is Lazy Loading in React?
12) How do you handle form validation in React?
13) What is Strict Mode in React?
14) What are the Life Cycle Methods In React?

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