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Overview of the dbForge Studio for SQL Server — the Best DataGrip Alternative

DataGrip is a commercial database-integrated development environment for SQL Server developers and administrators. It ranks among the most popular database tools due to its intuitive interface and functionality.

If you are reading this article, you are probably interested in DataGrip alternatives. Well, we present dbForge Studio for SQL Server — IDE with an even wider range of tools to improve and speed up your database experience.

dbForge Studio is suitable for a variety of database management systems and has a number of functional advantages:

  • Сontext-sensitive code autocompletion, formatting options, object suggestions, smart refactoring, and other SQL development tools
  • Visual Query Builder for building complex queries without coding
  • Query performance tuning tools
  • Powerful tools for comparing and synchronizing data and schemas
  • Over 200 meaningful test data generators in one tool
  • Database documentation generator
  • Source control integration
  • FREE Express Edition with basic database development and management tools

Enhanced SQL Coding

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dbForge Studio for SQL Server offers a rich set of tools that speed up routine coding procedures:

  • Code completion based on context
  • Object suggestions
  • Instant syntax check
  • Multiple formatting profiles
  • A collection of SQL snippets that can be customized
  • Smart refactoring that automatically fixes references to renamed objects
  • T-SQL Debugger for stored procedures, scripts, triggers, functions
  • Increase in productivity

Data and Schema Comparison

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With dbForge Studio for SQL Server, comparing database schemas and actual data with subsequent synchronization is easier than ever:

  • Differences in data and diagrams are conveniently shown
  • Comparison results filtering offered
  • Synchronization scripts are being generated
  • Comprehensive comparative reports are created
  • Offers CLI automation and scheduling of comparison and synchronization tasks

Database Designer

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Visual Database Designer offers an easy way to create and edit SQL Server databases without coding. To do this, you only need to transfer the database to the diagram. This will give you a clear understanding of the relationships between database objects.

  • The database is visually represented in the form of scalable diagrams
  • Containers are used to cluster logically related objects
  • Logical relationships are tracked between tables
  • Large diagrams are easy to print
  • Diagrams are exported as images
  • Proposed reverse engineering of database diagrams

Query Builder

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dbForge Studio provides a built-in visual Query Builder. It allows you to create complex queries without coding. With Query Builder, queries with multiple tables, conditions, and subqueries can be processed quickly and easily.

  • Visual representation of complex queries
  • Query combinations
  • Complex conditions
  • Overview of the query structure in the Document Outline window
  • Preview and print query diagrams
  • Editing and exporting query results

Test Data Generator

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We have summarized the advantages of the built-in Data Generator below. It can deliver large amounts of meaningful test data and populate databases in a variety of ways.

  • Over 200 highly customizable test data generators
  • Live preview of generated data
  • Support for key column data types
  • CLI automation
  • SQL data integrity support

Query Profiler

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dbForge Studio also has another significant benefit, the Query Profiler. This is a tool for finding performance issues and speeding up slow queries.

  • Easily find performance bottlenecks
  • Instant redirect to any optimization step to view, run or save queries
  • Monitoring session statistics for queries
  • Comparing profiling results at a visual level
  • Query profiling history

The features comparison of DataGrip vs dbForge Studio for SQL Server

In the table, we have compared dbForge Studio for SQL Server 6.3.9 (Enterprise Edition) and DataGrip 2022.2.1.

SQL Editing & Execution dbForge Studio DataGrip
Automatic SQL syntax check Yes Yes
Code outlining Yes Yes
Code snippets Yes Yes
Customizable SQL formatting and code beautifier Yes Yes
Wide range of SQL formatting options and profiles Yes Limited
Execute current statement Yes Yes
Parameter information for stored routines Yes Yes
SQL editor with syntax coloring Yes Yes
Quick access to favorite templates from the SQL editor Yes Yes
Bookmarks Yes Yes
Select block Yes Yes
Text search Yes Yes
Document Outline window for quick navigation through large scripts Yes Yes
Execution of scripts, selected SQL fragments and statements Yes Yes
One-step access to the database object editor from the code (go to definition) Yes Yes
SQL Query History window Yes Yes
Execution warnings Yes Yes
GUI transaction support Yes Yes
Command-line interface for script execution Yes Yes
Code Completion dbForge Studio DataGrip
Context-sensitive code completion Yes Yes
One-click access to schema object definitions Yes Yes
Auto-generation of table aliases Yes Yes
Quick information about database objects Yes Yes
SQL refactoring with automatic correction of references to renamed objects Yes Limited
T-SQL Debugger dbForge Studio DataGrip
Script debugging Yes Yes
Step Into, Step Over, and Step Out commands for step-by-step execution Yes Yes
Breakpoints support for procedures, functions, triggers, and scripts Yes Yes
Breakpoints window Yes Yes
Call Stack window with navigation Yes Yes
Watches window for variable evaluation Yes Yes
Visual Query Builder dbForge Studio DataGrip
Support for the SELECT statement Yes No
Support for the INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements Yes No
Common table expression Yes No
State-of-the-art diagram Yes No
Zooming Yes No
Keyboard support Yes No
Diagram preview Yes No
Diagram printing Yes No
Visual addition of sub-queries to any part of the main query Yes No
Query outline (displayed in the Document Outline window) Yes No
Visual editing of sub-queries Yes No
Expression builder for creating complex conditions Yes No
Drag-and-drop required tables Yes No
Copy/Paste for tables on the diagram Yes No
Undo/Redo support Yes No
Database Designer dbForge Studio DataGrip
Visual Database Designer Yes Yes
Visualization of tables Yes Yes
Visualization of stored procedures and functions Yes No
Visualization of views Yes Yes
Easy access to database objects for viewing their properties Yes Limited
Support for IDEF1X and IE notations Yes Yes
Customizable diagram look and feel with skin support Yes No
Smart ER Diagram layout Yes Yes
Diagram export to different image formats Yes Yes
Arrangement of diagram shapes using containers Yes No
Customizable diagram printing with a rich set of options Yes Limited
Optional display of table constraints, indexes, and triggers Yes Yes
Integration with the Document Outline window Yes No
Diagram navigation with the Diagram Overview window Yes No
Notes for adding comments to a diagram Yes Yes
Export to image only Yes Yes
Zoom in/out Yes Yes
Save/Load diagram Yes Yes
Forward engineering of physical database designs Yes No
Data Editor dbForge Studio DataGrip
Copying data with column headers for quick pasting to a spreadsheet Yes Yes
Custom data filters of any complexity Yes No
Data Viewer window for browsing images, RTF, and binary cell values Yes Yes
Date/Time editor with a visual interface Yes Yes
Foreign key lookup editor for easy editing of fields referencing other tables Yes No
Free copying of any block of data to clipboard Yes Yes
Full-text search (Ctrl+F) in the data grid Yes Yes
Single row values view Yes Yes
Graphical card view Yes No
Grouping by arbitrary columns Yes No
Incremental search (Ctrl+I) through the data grid Yes No
Large objects (LOB) editor Yes Yes
Multi-table query result set editing Yes Yes
Paginal data browsing for large result sets Yes Yes
Data printing Yes Yes
Quick filter available for each data cell Yes No
Record numbering option Yes Yes
Read-only state indication Yes Yes
Report and pivot building directly from the data editor Yes No
Server-side sorting and filtering for large data sets Yes Yes
Visible columns dialog Yes Yes
Editing of multiple execution results of one script on separate tabs Yes Yes
Autocommit mode Yes Yes
Export selected data to CSV, HTML, and XML Yes Yes
Export selected data to JSON Yes Yes
Export selected data to SQL Yes Yes
Export selected data to a file Yes Yes
Database Explorer dbForge Studio DataGrip
Multiple database connections Yes Yes
Filter objects in the objects folder Yes Yes
Browse and navigate through objects Yes Yes
Detailed object properties and data browsing in the Object Viewer window Yes Yes
Dependency tree browsing for each object Yes No
Quick template script generation for selected objects: SELECT, INSERT, etc. Yes Yes
The 'Send To' command for quick sending of tables to Query Builder, Data Report, and other tools Yes Yes
Search box Yes Yes
Duplicate objects (tables, views) Yes Yes
Duplicate structure/structure and data Yes Yes
Duplicate objects (procedures, functions) Yes Yes
Table Designer dbForge Studio DataGrip
Flat table editor Yes Yes
Convenient editor for foreign keys Yes Yes
Partitioning support Yes Yes
Preview of schema changes before updating a database Yes Yes
Heuristics that helps define data types of new columns Yes No
Object Editor dbForge Studio DataGrip
Visual editor for database objects Yes Yes
Backups Yes No
Undo option for the object editor Yes No
Schema & Data Comparison dbForge Studio DataGrip
Comparison and synchronization of data in databases of virtually any size Yes Limited
Comparison of assemblies, procedures, functions, triggers, user types, sequences, synonyms, rules, defaults, plan guides Yes No
Comparison of external resources: tables, data sources, file formats Yes No
Service broker comparison (service, route, remote service binding, queue, message type, event notification, contract, broker priorities) Yes No
Storage comparison (full-text catalogs, partition schemes, partition functions, full-text stoplist, search property list) Yes No
Comparison of tables and views Yes Limited
Custom comparison keys Yes No
Comparison results filtering Yes No
Data synchronization script generation Yes No
Viewing of data differences per record Yes No
Exclusion of tables and records from synchronization Yes No
Saving and loading of comparison settings Yes No
Command-line interface for data comparison and synchronization Yes No
Generation of accurate comparison reports in HTML and Excel Yes No
Generation of comments Yes No
Specific options for tables, script objects, triggers, indexes, and constraints Yes No
Include\Exclude objects by mask in Data Compare Yes No
Include\Exclude objects by mask in Schema Compare Yes No
Schema comparison with script folders Yes No
Scheduled data synchronization Yes No
Save as Command Line Yes No
Comparison of tabs Yes Yes
Support for Azure DW Yes Yes
Support for Azure Synapse Yes Yes
Support for SQL Server 2022 Yes Yes
Data Export dbForge Studio DataGrip
CSV Yes Yes
XML Yes Yes
Text Yes Yes
XLS Yes No
XLSX Yes Yes
PDF Yes No
DBF Yes No
HTML Yes Yes
RTF Yes No
JSON Yes Yes
Google Sheets Yes No
MDB (Microsoft Access) Yes No
SQL Yes Yes
Data export using the command-line interface Yes No
Data Import dbForge Studio DataGrip
CSV Yes Yes
XML Yes Yes
Text Yes No
XLS Yes No
PDF Yes No
DBF Yes No
RTF Yes No
Google Sheets Yes No
MDB (Microsoft Access) Yes No
Schema Export & Import dbForge Studio DataGrip
Copy database Yes No
Database snapshots Yes No
Native backup/restore Yes No
Scheduled backup Yes No
Database script folders Yes No
Generation of database scripts Yes Limited
Source Control dbForge Studio DataGrip
Integration with Azure DevOps (Git, TFVC) Yes No
Integration with Git (GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket) Yes No
Integration with SVN Yes No
Working folder with SQL scripts Yes No
Shared and dedicated database development models Yes No
Commit, Get Latest, Undo Changes Yes No
Resolve conflicts: Get Local and Get Remote Yes No
Preview changes and differences before committing Yes No
Version-control static data Yes No
View the history of changes (who, when and why made each change) Yes No
Administration dbForge Studio DataGrip
Server Event Profiler Yes No
Server Monitor Yes No
User & Session Management dbForge Studio DataGrip
Visual editors for users, logins, and roles Yes Yes
Visual editors for schemas Yes Yes
Visual editors for object level permissions Yes Yes
Data Analysis dbForge Studio DataGrip
Display of table data representing parent-child dependencies (Master-Detail Browser) Yes Yes
Data report generation wizard Yes No
Data report designer Yes No
Pivot table designer Yes No
Сhart availability Yes No
Chart building wizard Yes No
Data search on a live database Yes Yes
Automated report generation and distribution using CLI Yes No
Test Data Generation dbForge Studio DataGrip
Support for all SQL Server column data types Yes No
Multiple generators with data customization Yes No
SQL data integrity support Yes No
Multiple ways to populate data Yes No
Meaningful generators Yes No
User-defined generators Yes No
Real-time preview of generated data Yes No
CLI wizard Yes No
Database Documenter dbForge Studio DataGrip
Broad picture of database structure Yes No
Rich customization features Yes No
HTML format Yes No
PDF format Yes No
Markdown format Yes No
Text format Yes No
Documentation customization with style templates Yes No
View inter-object and inter-database dependencies Yes No
Command-line interface Yes No
Performance Tuning dbForge Studio DataGrip
Broad picture of database structure Yes Yes
Visual SQL explain plan Yes Yes
Session statistics displayed in the UI Yes Yes
Query plan displayed in the tree view for easy reviewing Yes Yes
Profiling history that can be saved for further analysis Yes No
Comparison of profiling results with the highlighting of differences Yes No
Printing of profiling results Yes No
Top performance reports Yes No
Query Profiler with comparison results Yes No
Search dbForge Studio DataGrip
Search for database objects Yes Yes
Search for table data Yes Yes
Preview found pieces Yes Yes
Navigate to the object in Database Explorer Yes Yes
Unit Testing dbForge Studio DataGrip
Unit testing based on the tSQLt framework Yes Yes
Command-line interface Yes No
DevOps Automation dbForge Studio DataGrip
Unit testing based on the tSQLt framework Yes Yes
PowerShell cmdlet collection Yes No
Jenkins plugin for SQL Server Yes No
TeamCity plugin for SQL Server Yes No
Azure DevOps plugin for SQL Server Yes No
Bamboo plugin for SQL Server Yes No
User Interface dbForge Studio DataGrip
Start Page with quick access to main features Yes Yes
Rich user settings Yes Yes
UI skins Yes Yes
Customizable window layout Yes Yes
Tool windows with the auto-hide mode Yes Yes
Tool windows with the float mode Yes Yes
Multiple shortcut schemes with full shortcut customization Yes Yes
Syntax highlighting customization Yes Yes
Tabbed groups for documents Yes Yes
Toolbar customization Yes Yes
Wizard for sharing common code standards and templates Yes Yes
GUI font Yes Yes
Database Connectivity DataGrip
Azure SQL Application ID Yes
Connection coloring Yes
Connection categories Yes
Read-only connection Yes
Multiple sessions for one connection Yes
Export/Import of connections Yes
SQL Server 2000 or later Yes
Microsoft Azure SQL Yes


Obviously, dbForge Studio for SQL Server offers a number of functional blocks that are missing in DataGrip - advanced schema and data comparison tools, as well as Query Builder, Data Generator, Documenter, Source Control. If you are using DataGrip and you want to use a more powerful tool, now you have found it.

Ideal integrated development environment for SQL Server databases

dbForge Studio for SQL Server has established itself as a versatile IDE that helps SQL developers, administrators, and data analysts in their daily work. Even the free Express Edition is a great alternative to DataGrip. It is suitable for those who need a basic set of functionality.

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