In this episode, we talk about code splitting and the long list of things you need to know about writing JavaScript with Laurie Barth, staff software engineer at Gatsby and instructor at
Show Notes
- DevNews (sponsor)
- CodeNewbie (sponsor)
- DataStax (sponsor)
- New Relic (sponsor)
- Educative (sponsor)
- Ambassador Labs (sponsor)
- Code Splitting Explained
- JavaScript
- Gatsby
- Webpack
Laurie Barth
Laurie is a Staff Software Engineer at Gatsby building nextgen JavaScript tooling. You can also find her creating content and educating the technology industry as an egghead instructor, member of the TC39 Educators committee, and technical blogger.
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This is really great as you provide transcript with your podcasts. Please continue to do so in future too. It's really help deaf and hard of hearing community.
For me, the interviewee spoke waaayyyy too fast throughout this episode. It was hard for me to follow the converstation at points.
good and informative podcast love it today I got to learn new thing code splitting