David Hussman talks with Dave Rael about why and how, health and motivation, cancer treatments, and significance
David teaches and coaches the adoption and improvement of agility as a delivery tool. His work includes helping companies of all sizes all over the world. Sometimes he is pairing with developers and testers, while other times he is helping to invent, evolve and plan the delivery of all types of products and projects. David spent years building software in a variety of domains and founded DevJam, a company composed of agile collaborators. DevJam provides seasoned leaders that strive to pragmatically match technology, people, and processes to create better and cooler products in competitive cycles.
- - Dave introduces the show and David Hussman
- - David and music, including the relationship between music and software
- - The probable wrongness of ideas and openness to new possibilities
- - David's health and battle with lung cancer and the way it has changed his desires
- - Getting kids excited about programming
- - Effective treatments and gratitude
- - How David got started in software and early geeking out on digital audio
- - The genesis of David, the teacher
- - Becoming an accidental coach, an Agile crusader, and building a practice and business
- - David's story of failure - enforcing process instead of understanding how to use process in context
- - David's book recommendations
- - The things that have David most excited
- - David's top 3 tips for delivering more value
- - Keeping up with David
- DevJam
- TeleType
- Falcon Heavy
- Paisley Park
- Jeff Beck
- Skunk Baxter
- Ray Charles
- Pachyderm Studios
- In Utero - Nirvana
- Founders at Work: Stories of Startups' Early Days - Jessica Livingston
- Steve Wozniak on Bringing Color to Personal Computers
- Leonardo’s Basement
- The Cookie Cart
- Bloodmobile
- Sara Chipps presentation on coding with JewelBots including live coding by children
- Sara Chipps on Developer On Fire
- Ward Cunningham on Developer On Fire
- Kent Beck on Developer On Fire
- Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change, 2nd Edition (The XP Series) - Kent Beck
- The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change - Stephen R. Covey
- Richard Feynman Quotes On Twitter
- Dude's Law
David's book recommendation:
David's top 3 tips for delivering more value:
- When you're confused, always pause and ask yourself why you're doing what you're doing because how you're doing it is learnable, but why you're doing it is more complex.
- Challenge yourself to express, measurably if possible, what true impact will your activity have? Hopefully it's meaningful
- What is your learning quotient across 12 months?