Simon Harrer talks with Dave Rael about teaching and being a student, the importance of writing, family, and solving real problems
Dr. Simon Harrer is a senior consultant at INNOQ. In his daily business, he fights for simple solutions with domain-driven design, fitting architectures such as microservices or monoliths, and clean code in Java, Ruby or even JavaScript. Most recently, he wrote the book Java by Comparison that helps Java beginners to write cleaner code through before/after comparisons.
- - Dave introduces the show and Simon Harrer
- - Learning by failing
- - Simon's experience with writing a book and the approach of Java By Comparison
- - Simon's position at INNOQ and his interest in teaching
- - Reasons for choosing programming languages
- - Simon's story of failure - burnout leading to physical manifestations of stress
- - Priorities and family
- - Years of being a student, teaching in school, and learning to write, especially in English
- - Collaborating on writing a book
- - Simon's book recommendations
- - The things that have Simon most excited
- - How Simon stays current with what he needs to know
- - Learning patience
- - Simon's top 3 tips for delivering more value
- - Keeping up with Simon
Simon's book recommendation:
Simon's top 3 tips for delivering more value:
- Don't just just to a solution - try to spend time with the problem
- try pair programming and especially mob programming
- In comparison to people, tech is trivial