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Building a booking chatbot using BotMan

Kiran Krishnan on September 09, 2018

BotMan is the most popular chatbot development framework for PHP. You can use BotMan in your existing codebase or with any PHP frameworks. There a...
jamesnm profile image
James Moore

I get the following error

include(): Opis\Closure\ClosureStream::stream_set_option is not implemented!

When using the following code

$this->ask('What is your name?', function(Answer $answer) {
   $this->say('Nice to meet you '. $answer->getText());

Enter fullscreen mode Exit fullscreen mode

Has anyone else gotten this

jamesnm profile image
James Moore

its due to php 7.4 that I have installed locally (arrow functions and all that fun stuff), my vagrant homestead setup is currently on 7.2~3 so I just served it from there and everything works great. Great tutorial thanks !

devkiran profile image
Kiran Krishnan

Glad you found it useful.

lucasm profile image
Lucas Menezes

In the newest version of Botman, when creating a new conversation using the command 'php artisan botman:make:conversation OnboardingConversation' this create file in to the path 'App\Conversations'. I had to replace the "namespace App\Http\Controllers;" to "namespace App\Controllers;" and "use App\Http\Conversations\OnboardingConversation;" to "use App\Conversations\OnboardingConversation;".

Thanks for the great tutorial Kiran! Helped me introduce Botman for the team =)

devkiran profile image
Kiran Krishnan

Thank you.

poojanetsol profile image
Pooja Goyal

Hello Sir

Iam buiding my chatbot with laravel and integrating using carbon library.
Can you please help me how can I show date picker in textbox.I wanted to select dat from date picker and save that value.

I waiting for your reply .Please help me as soon as possible.


devkiran profile image
Kiran Krishnan

Hello Pooja,

Botman web widget doesn't support datepicker component by default. But you can customize the web widget according to your needs

rajput2219 profile image

I want to conversation start from botman side.

Currently, firstly we have to enter the message after that Botman reply. But I want to when user open chatbot Botman start conversation.

Please help.

speedygonzales77 profile image

This was a great tutorial. The only thing that I saw different in my system is that the Classes were getting installed in /app/ and not in /app/Http/, but was able to edit a bit and made it work.

Thanks for great tutorial!!!

bpropelled profile image

Excellent article Kiran, I had no idea about this package. thanks for sharing

devkiran profile image
Kiran Krishnan

Thank you!

kasparlavik profile image
Kaspar Lavik

Hi, I am student of MscIT, basically I like to learn about AI Driven chatbot, How to build a chatbot and importance of chatbot for various industries. I also like to refer technical blogs like this blog. I always curious to learn new things and about new technologies. I gained my knowledge from this content. It was amazing and helpful too. Thank you writer for sharing this knowledge with us.

joaoufms profile image
João Gabriel

I'm using the web driver without BotmanStudio, and when a type Hi i don't get a response. What can i do?

cykonetic profile image
Nicholai Bush • Edited

Do you have any pointers/tips for using BotMan with Laravel Echo? I am using a custom Web driver
and web widget, just simple modifications of the originals.

hardiktechtic profile image


How to add custom URL or custom parameter in response.

poojanetsol profile image
Pooja Goyal • Edited

Hi Kiran

Thanks for your help in case of datepicker for botman widget.
Can you please help me with solution for floating bubble or typing.. parameter in case of user typing.


sakthicuba profile image

How Did Run in XAMPP when i change not found url came

ivanip128 profile image

Hi sir, thank you for you sharing. How the link up the this code $this->bot->startConversation(new DateTimeConversation()); and display on the botman screen?

kobus_myburgh_34f14a716b1 profile image
Kobus Myburgh

Is there any generic PHP implementation that you are aware of that does not use Laravel? I need to implement this in a CodeIgniter 3 project.

hajrabi33737064 profile image
Hajra Bibi

Help me to made this application?

andiperrus profile image
andy hernández

Excellent post

but and if i would save my data in the database, how could to do ?

I'm using botman studio. Thanks. :)