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Turbocharge Your Coding: How Fast Typing Boosts a Developer Productivity

Amrasakpare Lawrence on June 01, 2023

In today's digital world, web developers are constantly engaged with computers, whether it's writing emails, crafting blog posts, coding websites, ...
bradtaniguchi profile image

I find typing word/sentences is slightly different than typing code. Being good at writing normal grammar is still important, especially in situations such as communicating with colleagues, or writing documentation/comments. But writing code is a little different and your milage may vary depending on what language you are writing in and what kind of work you are doing.

For example, lots of c-like languages requires a bunch of {} and (), where-as Python doesn't.

There are also a bunch of tools/hacks to bypass a lot of typing such as auto-complete, AI coders like Github Copilot, code formatters that format your code, rather than leaving you to manage indentation/formatting yourself.

Finally, don't skip out on the basics, I'd highly recommend making sure you have some sort of spell checker and possibly even grammar checkers!

devlawrence profile image
Amrasakpare Lawrence

yea you are totally right Brad. typing code is different from typing regular word/sentences. But in the c language example you gave that requires bunch of {}, I think that can also be achievable with practice.

if you went through some of the resources I gave you'll see that one of them ( teaches you how to practice typing code for different languages.

Thanks for also mentioning the spell and grammar checkers. They are also useful too 🙌

dvddpl profile image
Davide de Paolis

I am old enough to have studied typewriting in school (not computers, real typewriters , although electric, typing directly on paper , where accuracy was crucial). at first I hated it. I thought I really had no finger coordination, for the same reason I quit a couple of years before that my piano lessons. since it was a school course I could not quit and conumtinued practicing. result is that I regret not being able to play the piano, i ended up in a cople of competitions (think I was at about 120/130 typeperminute🚀) and I helped me a lot in my career. I type very fast with no effort, be it coding, blogging,or writing documtation.
I really advice anyone to seriously practice 10finger typing! great post and great list of resources!

devlawrence profile image
Amrasakpare Lawrence

Thanks Davide. I am really happy you enjoyed reading the article

nima_lalaj profile image
yasin cengiz • Edited

Thank you a lot for this. I entered one of these websites and I got and average of 56 WPM and accuracy of 92%. (fun fact: I am 13 yo)
Na gode muku sosai daga Sudan :)

devlawrence profile image
Amrasakpare Lawrence

Lol. that's cool yasin. You are already making progress!!

nima_lalaj profile image
yasin cengiz

Thank you very much sir!!

kurealnum profile image

I do agree that faster speeds can be very helpful, but I think the majority of typing speed in coding is based off of learning the language that you're typing, and how familiar you are with it. I can write 20 lines of Python without thinking twice, but I can barely manage 5 lines at that speed in Java.

devlawrence profile image
Amrasakpare Lawrence

Yea that's totally true. I can do the same too but with JavaScript.

websilvercraft profile image

I wrote a tutorial on how to create simple js typing game to measure wpm speed. Soon will publish as a website with hints and guides.

devlawrence profile image
Amrasakpare Lawrence

alright man. I await

morphzg profile image
MorphZG • Edited

Thanks for sharing. I am already fast at typing but this is a good reminder to improve.

devlawrence profile image
Amrasakpare Lawrence

You are welcome MorphZG. I'm glad you enjoyed the article.

siph profile image
Chris Dawkins

It's also incredibly satisfying.

devlawrence profile image
Amrasakpare Lawrence
