In this episode, we talk to Andreas Wittig from about best practices when using Docker for our web applications.
We delve into what Docker is, and how the packaging of devops as config allows for easier onboarding, and also easier rollback to whatever dev environment a particular project needs.
Then Andreas regales us with his top Do’s and Don’ts to keep in mind when using Docker. Whether you’re using Docker already, or are just curious about it, this episode will have something for you!
- Rapid Docker on AWS
- cloudonaut podcast
- How to dockerize your PHP application for AWS Fargate?
- Checklist: Is your application ready for a container cluster?
- AWS Fargate
- AWS Elastic Container Service
- AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service
- Kubernetes
- Pokemon Go - A Successful Kubernetes Story
- 10 things to avoid in docker containers
- website GitHub repo
- An Annotated Docker Config for Frontend Web Development
- Daredevils of Niagara Falls
- First barrel ride down Niagara Falls