For the 100th episode, Ben Croker leads the cabal of inquisitors, and puts the regular hosts Patrick Harrington & Andrew Welch in the hot seat!
We discuss their colorful histories and learn more than we ever wanted to know about running marathons & Patrick in tights.
Ben Croker and his henchmen Matt Stein & Lindsey DiLoreto proceed to “roast the hosts” on a wide variety of topics.
If you wanted to learn more about Patrick & Andrew and the history of, this is the show for you.
- The Rise & Fall of Ambrosia Software, '90s Mac Legends - PAX Aus 2019 talk
- Palencia font
- ProFont font
- Fontastic
- THINK Lightspeed Pascal
- TUAW Interviews Andrew Welch of Ambrosia Software @ MacWorld 2008
- Ancient Andrew Welch interview
- Andrew Welch On Face to Face
- Maelstrom game
- Maelstrom played by a bot
- Apeiron game
- Escape Velocity Nova game
- From Alice to Ocean book
- CrayLink SGI cable
- Avenue of Giants marathon
- Honolulu Marathon
- Getting a Hummer stuck
- Patrick's Cameo
- Mildly Swappy
- RAM on M1 Macs
- Profanity for helping in Slack