How did you learn how to code?
Was it because you went to university, a bootcamp, youtube or what?
I learned Visual Basic 6 via youtube when I w...
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So my journey started back in 2014. I first learned on KhanAcademy, which I soon fell out of favour with as I didn’t really feel I was growing my skill set as I felt the courses there aren’t for me.
Then, I discovered Codecademy. I first learned JS, then HTML & CSS. Believe it or not, my fear of feeling like a cheater prevented me from browsing StackOverflow, which sort of hampered my progress. I learned on Codecademy on-and-off for a few years until 2017, where I started to build a few static websites with bits of JavaScript.
Fast forward to 2019, I’m working for a digital agency, have contributed to a couple of projects, have a clearer idea of my path and I’m a much better developer than I was in the beginning, and I browse StackOverflow almost every single day! 😂
I got into minecraft modding in 2012 and then it just kinda spiraled from there.
I was a kid from a poor immigrant family that happened to land in a lucky suburb of the United States where they had just built a new primary school that was funded by a learning software company. This was back in the late '80s.
The company provided the school with lots of computers and software in exchange for getting to test their software out on the kids. So a lot of our learning revolved around using computers. Add to that, we had regular computer classes and a programming club.
Starting around age 10, I started learning BASIC programming, and I fell in love with it. I can still remember the first little programs I wrote. I would go to the local library and check out books about BASIC and replicate all the programs and exercises in them. There wasn't a lot of software around back then, so anything extra that you could create by yourself was like magic.
Junior high didn't offer anything in the way of programming education, but in high school, I took PASCAL and COBOL classes, then Java classes later. Decades later, currently I'm mostly in the web dev world, so JS.
Does coding WordPerfect macros at age 8 count?
As a kid, I was obsessed with the automation of word processors.
My mom would enroll me in part-time college computer classes.
I am still quite disappointed people don't know to use tab stops.
Started off working with MS SQL as part of a general customer support role. Realised I enjoyed the SQL side more than the first line support so moved to the data intelligence team.
Got my feet wet with SSIS and picked up C# from there.
Angular seemed a natural fit to complete the stack, and now I work with .NET core as an API provider with angular as a front end.
In 2014, while serving in the army, a warrant officer saw that I had no direction in my life, so he decided to help me. He set up a content roadmap to learn. A stack with PHP, Jquery, PostgreSQL.
Then I helped maintain military applications and created an authentication portal for existing applications.
I made really ugly websites in the early 2000s with Flash and then didn't touch it for nearly 15 years. Went back to school for a degree in web design in 2014 and fell in love with code. First love was PhP, now im on the JS Hype train!
I had just come out of an 8 month period where I was very sick, bedridden and generally unhappy. I had quit my job just before that period started and it wasn't in the career I wanted. I had no idea what I was going to do with my future, so one day I woke up, sat at my computer and started to teach myself to code.
I used CS50, random courses, books and a lot of tinkering. I did it all alone which was quite isolating and I would definitely do it with others if I could redo it. I'd have learned a lot more.
With a lot of hard work, and a lot of luck as I knew some folk in the industry already: I was interning at a large company with 3ish months. I've been a professional programmer for over four years now, waiting to hear back about a promotion to Senior. Next stop, tech lead!
I took weekly classes on a "lab" of sorts that was hosted on my local "house of arts and literature" (this is the closest I can translate it from Greek)
I was like 10 or something, and the internet was relatively new (~1997). Learned QBASIC first and then Pascal. Good times
I started my IT career in a web-design / internet service provider back in 2000, as a dial-up support technician... It was a scapegoat job. When everything was working, there was nothing to do and when things went belly-up, my job was to get screamed at by the customers and tell them we were looking into it...
One day where I was extra bored, I picked up the Mastering Visual Basic 6 book that was gathering dust in the office bookshelf and started reading it.
I was on page 6 or so when my boss passed by my desk.
"What are you doing?", she asked.
"I'm bored so I'm learning something." I replied
She dropped a spec on my desk and said "There! You've got 2 weeks."
It was a very basic "contact us" page for an existing client. Something that would have taken the actual devs a few hours to do. I did it in 5 days. That may not sound that cool, but remember that in 2000, there was no stackoverflow :)
After that, I handed it in to the QA guys and started reading my big book again.
She walked by my desk again and the conversation started the same way as the previous time.
"What are you doing?"
"I'm bored so I'm learning something."
"What did you do with the stuff I gave you last week?"
"Handed it to Fred..."
She turned to Fred (That's the QA guy) and he gave her the thumbs up. So she turned back to me, dropped a bigger spec on my desk and said "You've got 2 months for this"
A month later, I was promoted junior dev and she hired someone to take over the scapegoat part of my job.
After that I just kept learning...
Back at the 2001-2002 I started spending a lot of time on IRC, started usign mIRC and saw some modifications/scripts for it. It triggered me "HOW THAT WORKS", started fiddling around and made couple of my own scripts, ended up fully modding my mIRC till 2004. Fast forward to 2011 where I bought my PHP&MySQL book, started reading in spare time, doing code along side, found some tutorials online that explained a bit in depth some stuff but didn't focused myself to work as developer. In the period from 2012 till 2019 I did couple part time dev projects, got myself to the IT manager position on regular work, quit and went to work as a junior/mid php developer, and here I am now, doing just that :) Also in that period i learned nodejs, mongo, java, c#. I should have done that a lot earlier tbh .. but, it's never 2 late
I started with the user's manual of a commodore 64c when I was 11, and then qbasic 4.5 in a 486sx using the ide help, and getting what would be my first of many programming books.
Taught myself how to build iOS apps in 2011 and did that off and off until 2015. Put out 2 apps and 1 game. Always knew HTML and CSS. In early 2018 I started really trying to learn Web Development. Now after using places like SuperHi and a little bit of Udemy I just accepted an offer with a consulting company and I will be working as a Web Designer. If you are more of a creative person I highly suggest SuperHi. I was able to meet a friend and collab on a project that was a crucial part of getting hired. Self learning is great but you need to get a couple real world projects under your belt. If you choose SuperHi use my code so we both can continue to learn superhi.com/?r=gabrielwebb
i just started programming because some good friends.
they familiarize me with web development and i found my interest. so i started programming very easy in early age (almost 16 y/o with fun)
I learnt on an Amstrad CPC464 and a BBC Micro. First Language was BASIC.
Over the years I used other languages, such as Pascal, Modular-2 C and C++. Then ended up doing web development.