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Do You Meditate? 🧘‍♂️ staff on May 12, 2024

Is meditating worth the effort in today's fast-paced world? If you meditate, do you notice that it works to increase mental clarity and focus throu...
webcraft-notes profile image
WebCraft Notes

I tried many times, but it was unsuccessful. I cannot clear my thoughts and stop all those ideas and plans knocking at the door. However, I believe that even 15 minutes of meditation is the best option for resetting your mind on a daily basis.

per-starke-642 profile image
Per Starke

Sounds like you stress about it too much! It's not really about "success" and "failure" with meditation. Try to be more of a neutral observer, without judging yourself at all. Hope this helps a little!

webcraft-notes profile image
WebCraft Notes

Probably, you are right. Thanks for advice.

nikoldimit profile image

the purpose of meditation is not cleaning all thoughts - its recognizing them for what they really are - simple appearances that are there like any smell or sound are. I know this might sound like total "bs" unlss you have actually felt it.

so i advice to simply go on and keep investing in it

steeve profile image

it was unsuccessful

It reminds me of a recent video from Justin Monarch on youtube "how to have a calm mind without meditation":

steeve profile image

Daily meditation is now a big part of my life, between 15 to 30 minutes, it is useful to clear my mind and come back to the present moment. After a session I'm performant again and full of energy for the rest of the day.

bobbyiliev profile image
Bobby Iliev

I try to every day.

schalkneethling profile image
Schalk Neethling

That is the entire goal. It is about learning to forgive oneself. Whenever your mind wanders, which it will, gently bring it back to your breath and the present moment and let go of any feelings of guilt or self-judgment.

thorstenhans profile image
Thorsten Hans

I tried to start a meditation habit a couple of times, but failed for different reasons. On the flip side, I recognized that doing slow runs with ambient music helped me to relieve stress and calm down a bit.

schalkneethling profile image
Schalk Neethling

I do and have found it quite literally life-saving. So much so that I am a teacher on InsightTimer as a means to give back -

prsaya profile image
Prasad Saya

I try to be meditative when I have chance or feels like. These can be any kind of breaks. Like others have mentioned, it is to be an observer of thoughts, emotions and sensations without judging them or restricting them.

I have come to know that there are other activities (not necessarily sitting quietly by yourself) which can be meditative (for example, photography is also about observation).

per-starke-642 profile image
Per Starke

Yeahhh I have a short meditation + gratitude practice established as part of my morning routine and I defo feel those practices energize me a lot!

iloveangular profile image

there are many forms of meditations.
i live a very stressed life out of many reasons. breath meditations are very good.
you calm your mind, think about objects that stress you and you let it go.

dont forget to take a 5 min break after 30-40 mins of coding and take a breath out the window.

ricardogesteves profile image
Ricardo Esteves

Yes, not as much as some time ago, but yes. Trying to add that again on my daily routine.

kenng profile image
Ken Ng

Yes, I do. It helps calm the monkey mind and reenergize me when I'm feeling exhausted. I've tried many techniques, and body awareness works best for me.

ksolomon profile image
Keith Solomon

It’s not meditation per se, but I try to start every day with at least 15 minutes of nothing…no screens, no music, no distractions. Some days it works, some it doesn’t.

ltbam profile image

I usually meditate before sleep and it brings a solution for the next day 🙃

baenencalin profile image
Calin Baenen


manchicken profile image
Mike Stemle

Naw, I have a really hard time sitting still. I’ve tried, and it’s tremendously uncomfortable.