Every Tuesday, we round up the previous week's top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don't worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week. ❤️
Getting a handle on state management
As @zalithka said, “Careful Ankit, you might just make people actually start enjoying state management if you carry on like this..”
Great job with this post, @dabalyan!

State Management with a Single Line of Code
Ankit Singh ・ Nov 2 '20
A shared design vocabulary
In this post, @mayruiz27 provides a really solid overview of design patterns with the goal of helping dev teams communicate about solutions-design better. Great work!
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Reign victorious over tricky bugs!
@lxkuz says that the harder the bug is, the more pleasure you will get when you win. This post will help you get to the “winning” part faster.

The Art of War - How to Beat the Bugs, Faster and Harder
Alexey ・ Nov 5 '20
Writing an OS from scratch
@frosnerd set a goal of writing an x86, 32 bit operating system and blogging about the journey. Thanks for sharing this with us, Frank!
Hacktoberfest is over… keep contributing!
Hacktoberfest might be over, but that certainly doesn’t mean open source newbies should stop contributing. Thanks for this motivational post, @metamoni!

How to start contributing to open source as a junior
Monica Mateiu ・ Nov 3 '20
Beating the winter blues
In many parts of the world, it’s about to get colder, darker, and harder to prioritize mental health. @annika_h came through with some great tips about how to handle your emotional needs during a global pandemic when you’re short on vitamin D.
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The test of time (estimations)
Getting time estimations for building features is indeed a super tricky thing for engineers and their teams to accomplish. This post by @carmenhchung can help!
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That's it for our weekly wrap up! Keep an eye on dev.to this week for daily content and discussions...and if you miss anything, we'll be sure to recap it next Monday!
Top comments (1)
Congrats on these awesome posts, @dabalyan , @mayruiz27 , @lxkuz , @frosnerd , @metamoni , @annika_h , and @carmenhchung !